Justin Trudeau to freeze protesters’ bank accounts

The Canadian Prime Minister announced on Monday that he would use the Emergency Measures Act to put an end to the blockades carried out at various places in Ottawa and at certain border crossings by the demonstrators of the “Freedom Convoy”.

Under this emergency law, the Canadian government issues an order authorizing banks and other financial service providers to freeze or suspend an account without a court order in the event that they suspect that the account is being used by a person participating in the blockades or an occupation demonstration.

First time since 1988 that this law which grants exceptional powers to the government has been invoked

As reported by BBC, according to the Prime Minister, the Emergency Measures Act will “strengthen” the ability of law enforcement authorities to issue fines and jail protesters. The law will be applied more harshly for areas with “critical infrastructure” such as airports and border crossings.

The federal government invokes the Emergencies Act to complement provincial and territorial powers and deal with lockdowns and occupations”, said Justin Trudeau. Several of the 13 provincial and territorial Premiers have said they are resistant to the use of this law, but the Prime Minister has assured that the measures introduced will be “targeted only where neededFurthermore, the Prime Minister emphasized that the Canadian military would not be called in to break up the protests.

The Emergencies Act is not something to be taken lightly.”he insisted, but “these illegal blockades are hurting Canadians and must stop”.

In 1988, the Emergencies Act replaced the War Measures Act. It is the first time since that date that this law, which grants exceptional powers to the government, has been invoked. On the other hand, this is the second time in peacetime that Canada has used the powers conferred by it. Justin Trudeau’s father, former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, called on it during the crisis involving Quebec separatists in October 1970.

On the networks, the adoption of this measure aroused an outcry in the opposition.

Referencing Justin Trudeau’s “wokism,” Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, sarcastically noted: “It started with rainbows and unicorns. It ends in fascist repression.”

Derek Sloan, leader of the Ontario Party, issued a statement accusing Justin Trudeau of joining the ranks “dictators who forbid their people to demonstrate“adding it”a declared war on those who oppose the expropriation of their freedoms“.

Avi Yemini, a reporter in Australia for Canadian outlet Rebel News, said: “Putin and Russia are not the real threat. The threat is Trudeau. Ukraine is just a distraction“.

In the United States, American host Candace Owens said that “all Canadians should immediately come to the aid of the truckers by providing them with shelter and food” car “Justin Trudeau has just proclaimed himself dictator of Canada and his administration calls peaceful citizens “terrorists” in order to justify what will be done next.”

For his part, Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative American organization dedicated to monitoring the activities of the American government, asked “whether the United States should sanction Canada for human rights violations.



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