The moments of crisis in which the governors have closed ranks with AMLO

The support of the governors of Morena and parties allied to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador added another example this weekend: 18 state leaders published a statement to express their support for the transformation project. The governors of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tlaxcala, Veracruz and Zacatecas, as well as the head of government of Mexico City, expressed their support for the president’s projects in economic matters, health and infrastructure, among others. However, it was not the first time, since 2019 they have made this type of show of support.

It is the first meeting to which López Obrador summons the elected and acting governors who are members of his party.

© Taken from the Twitter account @lopezobrador_
It is the first meeting to which López Obrador summons the elected and acting governors who are members of his party.

After the failed operation in which Ovidio Guzmán was arrested and released, the morenista governors Miguel Barbosa (Puebla) and Cuitláhuac García (Veracruz), as well as the head of the CDMX government, Claudia Sheinbaum, supported President López Obrador and to the Armed Forces. On that occasion, executives from other political parties also joined. In 2020, the governors of Morena and allies, such as Encuentro Social, united before the position of the leaders who made up the Federalist Alliance and called for breaking the Federal Pact. In a display, the head of government of the capital, Claudia Sheinbaum, together with the governors Jaime Bonilla, then governor of Baja California; Rutilio Escandon, from Chiapas; Cuauhtemoc Blanco, from Morelos; Miguel Barbosa, from Puebla; Secretary of the Interior Adán Augusto López, who was then president in Tabasco, and Cuitláhuac García, from Veracruz, described the action of the federalist alliance as a “desperate” way to attract attention and asked them to “calm down.” “The governors (…) express our support for the President of the Republic Andrés Manuel López Obrador and our bewilderment at the position of a few governors who have called to break the Federal Pact,” they pointed out when accusing that this call was made in the face of difficulty that they faced in their states for the 2021 elections and the “new political reality” from 2018, when López Obrador won the electoral victory with more than 30 million votes.

In February 2021, the governors of Morena were the first to adhere to an agreement promoted by President López Obrador, towards the electoral process, which asked not to support any candidate of any party, not to allow the public budget to be used with electoral purposes and denounce the delivery of money from organized crime or ‘white collar crime’ in the campaigns. “Without any hesitation and with full conviction we join the call so that together we continue to make history, today through our adherence to the National Agreement for Democracy, enthusiastically and respectfully assuming its effective execution, calling everyone to establish in our country the long-awaited democracy in a lasting way”, they declared through a statement. In 2022, in the midst of the discussion of the electrical reform, eight governors of Morena, joined by the PRI from Hidalgo Omar Fayad, closed ranks in support of López Obrador’s initiative. ‘We strongly support the electricity reform proposed by President López Obrador, we support it under that philosophy and also under our premise that it is time for those who have never had anything to touch them,’ said the governor of Sonora, Alfonso Durazo.

To this was added this weekend, following criticism of President López Obrador for the electrical reform, the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the proposal to make a ‘pause’ in relations between Mexico and Spain and the controversy for exhibiting the supposed income of the journalist Carlos Loret de Mola. 18 rulers of Morena and allied parties assured that since December 1, 2018, a transformation began in the public life of the country, they insisted that the attacks have their origin in economic groups that lost privileges and promised to promote the so-called ‘Fourth Transformation’ from their entities. In this regard, López Obrador thanked the support expressed by the governors related to him, although he focused solely on the energy aspect. “I celebrate the fact that 18 governors, well, governors and the head of government, 18 published, I believe that yesterday, a manifesto in favor of our electricity reform proposal, this is important, of 32, 18, that is, more than half , and perhaps others who did not sign might also do so, because it is convenient for all of us regarding the electrical reform so that electricity prices do not increase”, he said at a conference.



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