Germany hardens tone towards Russia over situation in Ukraine

  • The Head of State, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, blames Russia for the tension in Eastern Europe and demands that Putin bet on diplomacy

The German head of state unequivocally pointed out the “responsibility” of Russia at the risk of a “war” in Europe as a result of the situation in Ukraine, trying to clarify the position of his country, sometimes accused of being complacent with Moscow. “I appeal to the president Putin: loosen the noose around Ukraine’s neck! And seek with us the way to preserve peace in Europe!” Frank Walter Steinmeier.

The head of state made these statements coinciding with his re-election to office, the day before the head of government, Olaf Scholz, trip to Kiev and Moscow. The foreign minister has warned that Western sanctions will be “immediate” if Russia decides to invade Ukraine. In Germany, the office of president is mainly ceremonial, but the fact that its holder, a highly respected figure, makes these statements is not trivial.

Conflict risk

“There is a risk of a military conflicta war in the east of Europe and Russia bears the responsibility for that,” Steinmeier said following his re-election to five years in office.

Steinmeier, a Social Democrat close to Chancellor Scholz, won his re-election thanks to the overwhelming majority granted to him by a special electorate, made up mainly of national and regional deputies. He got 1,045 votes out of 1,045 cast, supported by all the major center-left and center-right parties.

Alluding to Russia’s growing “distance” from Europe, Steinmeier, who led the diplomacy German for years, demanded firmness before Moscow. “As we can see, peace cannot be taken for granted, you always have to act to preserve it, in dialogue, but when necessary things have to be said clearly, showing dissuasion and determination,” she said, to applause.

In this way, he responded to the numerous criticisms leveled in recent weeks once morest the position of the German government with respect to the Russian Executive. “It’s regarding time that Germany take off your russian glasses on […] his policy towards Ukraine, because they cloud his vision,” declared the Ukrainian ambassador in Berlin, Anrij Melnykthis Sunday during an interview with German public radio.

And, along the same lines as the head of state, Scholz was also firm this Sunday before traveling to Kiev on Monday and Moscow on Tuesday. “In case of military aggression once morest Ukraine, which would endanger its sovereignty and territorial integrity, this would lead to harsh sanctionswhich we have carefully prepared and which we will be able to implement immediately with our allies in Europe and in the OTANScholz declared before the press, following the election of Steinmeier for the presidency of the country.

Critical situation”

Related news

In an indication of the growing concern of berlin Regarding the situation in Ukraine, a German government source acknowledged that “the government’s concern has increased” in relation to a possible invasion. “We believe that the situation is critical, very dangerous,” stressed the source, who requested anonymity, alluding to the warnings issued by U.S. “Many elements point, very worryingly, in the direction” of current fears, she added.

But, despite everything, Germany continues to refuse to deliver “lethal” weapons to Ukraine, hiding behind a policy established following the WWII in the country, which prohibits such sales in conflict zones.



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