Presidential 2022 – “Catastrophic”, “a shipwreck”: avalanche of criticism after Valérie Pécresse’s meeting at the Zénith de Paris

At the same time as Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in Montpellier, Valérie Pécresse gave her first major campaign meeting, this Sunday, February 13, at the Zenith in Paris. Problem: her oratorical skills have been mocked by many political observers, including members of the Republicans.

It is not really what one can call a successful operation. In a meeting at the Zénith de Paris this Sunday, Valérie Pécresse did not convince the undecided and did not strengthen her electorate either.

It didn’t take long following the meeting for the #Catastrophic to be in “Top Tweet”, in tribute to the performance of the President of the Île-de-France Region. His speech deemed “hollow”, “misinterpreted”, “sounding false” also gave the opportunity to the entire media class to crush the candidate Les Républicains in the 2022 presidential election.

“I am looking in my memories for a speaker as visibly uncomfortable at the podium of a meeting as Valérie Pécresse”, tweeted political columnist Jean-Michel Apathie. While Le Figaro journalist Judith Waintraub felt that the speech was “absolutely catastrophic” and “badly written”.

“The form is absolutely catastrophic”, “the speech is badly written”, “it multiplied clichés and ready-made phrases”,…
Very relevant analysis of @jwaintraub on Pécresse’s disastrous speech this followingnoon.

—Jean Louis (@JL7508) February 13, 2022

Even in her camp, Valérie Pécresse was not convinced. “It was a shipwreck. We wanted to make her do an exercise that she does not know how to do” entrusted a Republican heavyweight to BFMTV. “What’s going on? What’s going on?” said Nadine Morano, present in the audience to support her.

An audience which, like when your team loses at the football stadium, has emptied over the meeting: “We might see a few dozen activists leave the room because they did not find it convincing enough, not good enough in terms of form” reported a journalist from the LCI channel.

Change of course on the theory of the great replacement

It is not only on the form that the speech of Valérie Pécresse has been strongly criticized. Because some also criticize her for a certain “extreme right-winging” of her speech, she who refused the theory of the great replacement a few weeks ago, but made it a campaign argument this Sunday at the Zenith by taking up a formula dear to Eric Zemmour: “neither big downgrade, nor big replacement”.



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