How much is it trading this Sunday, February 13?

The Central Bank (BCRA) added its eighth day without selling foreign currency and registered its first week with a positive balance in a month, adding some US$50 million in net terms. Meanwhile, the monetary authority accelerated the rate of devaluation and the official exchange rate recorded its biggest weekly rise in almost a year.

Savings or solidarity dollar

The savings dollar or solidarity dollar -retail plus tax- it rose 10 cents to $184.26 on average.

wholesale dollar

In the wholesale segment, the dollar directly regulated by the BCRArose 14 cents to $106.15. In this way, the ticket accumulated a rise of 74 cents (0.7%) in the week, the highest record since the last week of February 2021. So far this month it is already advancing at an annual rate of 40% .

CCL dollar

In the bag, the dollar (CCL) -operated with the GD30 bond- ended the day at $216.21, for which it accumulated a decline of 2% (-$4.03) in the week and a collapse of 6.5% (-$14.94) since the Government announced the understanding with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

MEP dollar

For its part, The MEP or Stock Exchange dollar sank 2.2% (-$4.64) compared to last Friday, to $207.59while showing a decline of 7.2% (-$16.16) from the beginning according to the multilateral credit organization.

The blue dollar closed stable this Friday 11 February 2022according to a field survey in the Black Market of Currency, and ceased to be the most expensive in the market.

The parallel ended at $215.50, after hitting a weekly high of $217 on Wednesday. In this way, the spread with the wholesaler fell slightly to 103%.

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The informal ended $1.50 above last Friday’s close, registering the second consecutive week on the rise.

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