CDMX Prosecutor’s Office initiates investigation against mayor Sandra Cuevas for alleged kidnapping of two police officers

The Attorney General of Mexico City (FGJ CDMX) initiated a research against Sandra Cuevas for the alleged crimes of deprivation of liberty, abuse of authority Y robo against two auxiliary police.

“An investigation was initiated after the complaint filed by two officers of the Auxiliary Police of the SSC CDMX against the public servant in charge of the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office for the crime of deprivation of liberty, abuse of authority, theft and whatever results ” Ulises Lara López, spokesman for the capital prosecutor’s office, reported at a press conference.

Said investigation was initiated after the derived actions to reorder the Informal commerce at Historic Center of CDMXwhere competition differences were generated due to the issue of sale on public roads just in the perimeter included in the Mail Mayor and Circunvalación.

Lara López pointed out that the two high-ranking officers of the Auxiliary Police were summoned to an emergency meeting by Sandra Cuevas in the aforementioned place, just to discuss and work on expanding the surveillance service.

It was noted that the mayor of Cuauhtémoc, the director of markets and public roads, as well as the security director of the demarcation, were at that meeting.

In the investigation, the capital prosecutor’s office pointed out that the two auxiliary police officers were physically and verbally assaulted repeatedly by the mayor and by several men who were at the scene.

Those affected assured that they were stripped of their radios and deprived of liberty on the instructions of Sandra Cuevas for more than an hour in an adjoining room, in addition to being videotaped.

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In the complaint, it was highlighted that the head of the mayor’s office asked the uniformed officers not to report this fact, since it would have repercussions against the head of the demarcation.

It is also reported that another police officer who was outside the offices where the complainants were, requested help, given that his colleagues were deprived of their liberty, for which personnel from the Secretariat of Citizen Security went to the site.

The complaint mentions that finally, after blows and shoves, both commanders were able to leave the aforementioned offices.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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