Lecture by astronomer Kang-Hwan Lee on ‘James Webb Launch Human Eyes, Seeing the Universe’ with Master Issue Pick

[한국강사신문 이미숙 기자] Aired on the 13th (Sun) <이슈 픽 쌤과 함께>Astronomer Kang-Hwan Lee gives a lecture on the topic ‘James Webb Launched Human Eyes, Seeing the Universe’.


From the past, mankind’s curiosity regarding the universe was limitless, and the adventures in the new world were endless. And finally, on December 25, last year, the long-awaited launch of the James Webb Space Telescope was successful.

James Webb goes a long way to unravel the riddles of the universe. Why does mankind not stop challenging the universe? Can humanity take one step closer to the mystery of the universe through James Webb? Let’s find out with astronomer Lee Kang-hwan.

<제임스 웹, 우주로 가다!>

NASA’s space telescope, James Webb, successfully launched on December 25 last year, finally landed in its target orbit following a month of flight. James Webb will be observing space from 1.5 million kilometers from Earth. The launch of the James Webb space telescope, which has the highest performance in human history, is evaluated in the astronomy world as a tremendous event that can change the entire history of the universe as known to mankind.

With the continued development of the space telescope and the challenge of human exploration of space, can humanity experience an epochal change in its worldview through James Webb?


<갈릴레이 갈릴레오의 천체망원경>

Galileo Galileo, the first man to see the sky through a telescope. He observed the moon for the first time with a telescope he made himself, and confirmed the uneven surface of the moon, suggesting a new worldview that is different from the existing Aristotle. In addition, by observing the size of Venus, he proved the ‘heliocentric theory’ that the earth revolved around the sun in an era when the celestial theory was taken for granted.

As such, mankind has accumulated new knowledge regarding the universe through astronomical observations, and in 1970, announced a plan to send a telescope into space to see the universe more clearly and accurately. The space telescope that appeared at this time was Hubble! What did Hubble, the first human space telescope, discover in space?

<우주망원경의 시작, 허블 >

On April 24, 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was successfully launched. For the next 30 years, Hubble has provided humankind with a lot of space information. About 1.4 million photos have been observed by Hubble so far, so common sense regarding the universe and stars as we know it started with Hubble. Hubble’s representative achievements include the Hubble Deep Field and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, which captured images of galaxies made up of 100 billion stars. Hubble also discovered black hole jets that were invisible to the naked eye.

Hubble, which has been active for the past 30 years, is nearing the end of its lifespan, and will soon burn as it enters the atmosphere. It was James Webb who was sent to space following Hubble.


<허블 100배 성능의 제임스 웹>

James Webb’s main reflection mirror consists of 18 hexagonal mirrors. This is regarding 10 times larger than Hubble’s main mirror, and it is superior in performance. In addition, unlike Hubble, which observed only the visible region, it can observe the infrared region, allowing the star to be seen more clearly.

James Webb, completed in this way, will observe the first stars and galaxies and study the process of the first birth and formation of the universe. He also has the goal of exploring the existence of extraterrestrial life, one of humanity’s greatest concerns. Why do humans invest so much money and time to explore space? This is because the origin of our humanity lies in the universe. Journey into the mystical universe with the Space Telescope James Webb! Let’s explore together with astronomer Lee Kang-hwan.


Episode 76 <이슈 PICK, 쌤과 함께> Astronomer Lee Kang-hwan’s episode will be broadcast on KBS 1TV at 7:10 pm on Sunday, February 13th.

<이강환 프로필/도서>

He is an astronomer who has studied astronomy and has known science to many people for a long time. He goes beyond the limits of science as a difficult and distant field, giving lectures and writing books to entertain people. He also puts a lot of effort into allowing science to settle as a hobby or culture through multiple media. His books include 『Answer Extraterrestrial Life』, 『Echoes of the Big Bang』, 『Extraterrestrial Exploration Machine』 (co-author), 『Sit Science 7』 (co-author), 『Boys and Girls, Do Science!』 (co-author), and 『The End of the Universe』 In Search of ,” won the 55th Korean Publishing Culture Award. He has translated many science books into Korean, including 『100 Things Elementary Students Need to Know regarding the Universe』, 『The Universe in Us』 and 『Science Expeditionary Wonderful School Bus』.

After graduating from the Department of Astronomy at Seoul National University, he received his doctorate from the same graduate school. He studied as a Royal Society Fellow at the University of Kent, UK, and ran facilities and developed programs related to the field of astronomy at the National Science Museum in Gwacheon.



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