[2022 베이징 동계올림픽] China outraged that Korean player robbed the podium

Cha Min-gyu hitting the podium [사진=연합뉴스]

Now I’m fussing over things that don’t matter. Chinese netizens and media criticize Cha Min-gyu (Uijeongbu City Hall) for making two turns before taking the podium.

Minkyu Cha crossed the finish line in second place (34.39) in the men’s 500m in ice speed skating at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics held at the National Speed ​​Skating Oval in Beijing, China on February 12 at 5:53 pm (Korean time).

At the site, they received a Bingdundun (mascot) doll through a simple awards ceremony, and a proper awards ceremony was held late at night.

Cha Min-gyu, who stood behind the podium, robbed the podium twice when his name was called. Then he raised his right fist and greeted the crowd.

Chinese netizens claimed that this was identical to what Canadian athletes, who had won bronze in the men’s 5000m relay at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, did before taking the podium.

In fact, the two actions are quite different. Cha Mingyu alone swept the podium twice from left to right, and Canadian players as a group swept the podium from right to left and then right once more.

Cha Min-kyu does not attach any meaning to his current actions. The Chinese athlete and Cha Min-gyu finished silver in other groups, and since it is a speed skating division, there is no judgment dispute.

Canadian athletes using the podium left and right [사진=중계 화면 캡처]

On the other hand, Canadian players at the time had a clear reason. It was because the purpose was to protest the judgment of their own colleagues.

Chinese netizens, on Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter), a social networking service (SNS), said, “Don’t blame the referee, blame your skills” “Are you cleaning your own gravestone?” “I don’t think it’s curling. criticized

China’s Wang Yimang and other media reported this news and reported that “Cha Min-gyu’s actions are to admit that there was a problem in Pyeongchang.”

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