More than 800 applicants qualified for the UNA Medicine entrance exams

Asunción, IP Agency.- On Monday, February 14, the entrance exams for the Medicine and Surgery career of the UNA Faculty of Medical Sciences begin, corresponding to the 2022 period, simultaneously at both the central headquarters and the Santa Rosa del Aguaray branch. A total of 813 applicants will bid for the 190 available places.

The Director of Admission of the Faculty of Medical Sciences-UNA, Walter Delgado reported that, for the admission exams, the gates will open from 10:00 and until 12:00 for the access of the applicants, by order alphabetical.

In this regard, he clarified that following that time no applicant will be able to enter. The Asunción headquarters will have two entrances.

Before entering the exams, the health protocol required by the Ministry of Public Health will be complied with, such as hand washing, maintaining distance and use of N95 mask, at all times.

Once the applicants have entered, they will settle in the corresponding rooms; will be distributed randomly. Seven classrooms will be set up for the central headquarters and three rooms for the subsidiary; all complying with the established protocol.

Documents for entry

Students may enter only with the identity card, in case they do not have it, with the management password of the Identification Department or the passport.

Exam dates for both venues

The exam dates for the year 2022 are established as follows: on February 14 they will take the subjects of Biology and Chemistry; on February 16, Spanish and University Social Responsibility; and on February 18, Exact Sciences (Mathematics and Physics).

The Medicine and Surgery career has 150 seats for the headquarters and 40 seats for the subsidiary.



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