Price of the dollar today February 11, peso wins the week

Today, Friday, February 11, 2022, the dollar quotes at 20.5236 pesos per unit with a downward trend in real time. In this session, the spot interbank dollar ended at 20.5425 units. This means that the peso falls 0.99 cents compared to the last report of the Banxico.

At the weekly level, the local currency achieved a recovery of 12.68 cents compared to its closing on the previous Friday (20.6693), according to the Banxico registry.

According to the economist Gabriela Siller, in the Mexican scenario, the recovery of the manufacturing industry stands out for the first time since the pandemic was declared and the growth in its different items, but she acknowledged that external factors weighed more heavily on the exchange rate. to Mexico than its local situation.

This with respect to the upward thrust registered by the raw Materials in the markets, such as the value of a barrel of WTI oil, natural gas in Europe and wheat; referring to the current geopolitical tension in Ukraine between Russia Y state United.

Dollar price in banks mexicans:

  • Bank of Mexico: Buy $20.5425- Sell: $20.5425
  • HSBC: Purchase: $20.00 – Sale: $20.74
  • Banamex: Buy: $19.88 – Sell: $21.03
  • Bancomer: Purchase: $19.86 – Sale: $20.75
  • Banorte: Purchase: $19.50 – Sale: $20.90
  • Scotiabank: Purchase: $18.50 – Sale: $21.50
  • IXE: Purchase: $19.50 – Sale: $20.90
  • Bajio Bank: Purchase: $19.80 – Sale: $21.10
  • Monex: Buy: $20.16 – Sell: $21.16
  • Azteca Bank: Purchase: $19.60 – Sale: $20.24
  • Inbursa: Purchase: $20.00 – Sale: $21.00
  • Santander: Purchase: $19.56 – Sale: $21.08
  • Intercam: Purchase: $20.0301 – Sale: $21.0406
  • Banregio: Purchase: $19.10 – Sale: $21.10

As for the bitcóinat the moment it is at 42,612.4 dollars with a downward trend in real time.

We recommend you read Price of the dollar today Friday, peso opens session recovering ground

referring to euroit is quoted at $23.30 pesos, for $27.83 pesos of the pound sterling overall average.

For more information on the Dollardaily visit the section of News from



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