in vaccinees, the risk of severe forms is related to age or comorbidities

Led by the Epi-Phare structure, which combines Health Insurance (Cnam) and the Medicines Agency (ANSM), it reveals that during this follow-up, 5,345 people were hospitalized and 996 died at the hospital. hospital for Covid-19.

Age, residence and comorbidities

In this population of vaccinated subjects, the risks of hospitalization and in-hospital death were associated with age. For example, compared to people aged 45-54, those aged 85-89 had a 4 times higher risk of being hospitalized and 38 times higher of dying.

But also to the geographical location: people residing in the most disadvantaged municipalities had a risk of hospitalization 1.3 times higher.

In addition, only 10% of vaccinated patients hospitalized for Covid-19 and 2% of vaccinated patients who died in hospital did not present any comorbidity, i.e. half as much as in the total unvaccinated population of the first two waves. Of those vaccinated who were hospitalized, 12% had one comorbidity, 16% two comorbidities, 18% three comorbidities, 16% four comorbidities, and 27% five or more comorbidities.

Low hospitalization among vaccinated

What should we conclude from this? First of all, “these results confirm the very low risk of hospitalization in vaccinated persons”, underlines Pr Mahmoud Zureik, the epidemiologist director of the Epi-Phare structure.



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