Together for Change sets as a condition to support an agreement with the IMF that they do not raise taxes

The authorities of Together for Change conditioned their eventual support in Congress to the government’s negotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the foreign debt that the agreement does not include a tax increase. In turn, they reiterated the importance of avoiding default and demanded that Kirchnerism show “responsibility” before the understanding with the international organization.

That’s how they defined it the referents of the opposition conglomerate following a five hour meeting in an event room in Olivos, in which they sought to order the operation of JxC (they agreed on a new organization scheme) and unify positions once morest Kirchnerism to calm internal tensions.

The national table of Together for Change agreed that it will not advance its legislative strategy – the majority is inclined to give quorum and discuss the agreement – until the Government shows the fine print of the principle of understanding announced by the president Alberto Fernandez with the international organization for the debt. While awaiting the Casa Rosada project, the leadership of the force confirmed that it will seek to prevent the country from falling into default (they stressed that JxC is a “predictable” space) and reiterated that Argentina must “honor its debts”, but claimed ” responsibility” to the ruling party, following the break generated in the Front of All by the slam of the Maximo Kirchner in Deputies.

following the summit, Patricia Bullrich (Pro)who demands that the ruling party seamlessly support the agreement with the Fund, insisted that the opposition coalition “It will never push Argentina to default.” For his part, Gerardo Morales (UCR) stated: “When the fine print arrives, we will see the parliamentary strategy within Congress.”

In this way, they comment within the space, Together for Change seeks to mark the field for the Casa Rosada so that it does not try to compensate with a rise or creation of new taxes a reduction in the fiscal deficit to meet the goals of the eventual agreement with the Fund. According to leaders who were in the opposition council, Mauricio Macri was the one who asked to include the tax issue as a condition to support the negotiation in Congress. Other attendees, on the other hand, maintain that they are seeking to fulfill a commitment that JxC assumed during the campaign for the last legislative elections.

There was a good atmosphere in the conclave of the heads of Pro, the UCR, the Civic Coalition and Republican Peronism, even when the most thorny issue was debated: the eventual support of space in Congress for the agreement that Fernández announced with the IMF for the debt. It is that the possible endorsement in the Parliament to the negotiation of the Government with the main international credit organism generates different positions between the partners of the force.

Although in Together for Change they agree on the need to prevent the country from falling into default with the main credit institution, there are dissimilar views on whether or not the benches of the force in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate should accompany the proposal of the ruling party -whether with a positive vote or abstention-. public differences they had been exposed before the “spiritual retreat” in Olivos. While Gerardo Morales (RCU) and Elisa Carrio (CC) advanced their predisposition to provide a quorum and facilitate understanding with the IMF in Congress, the heads of Pro chose not to anticipate their support until the Casa Rosada provides details of the negotiation.

Today, the priests of the opposition coalition unified a political position on the issue anchored in four points: the principle of agreement with the IMF is auspicious; JxC is a “predictable force” and does not want to default; space will not support a pact that implies a tax increase; the Government is in charge of negotiating and Kirchnerism must act with “responsibility” in the face of understanding.

“We want to mark the great irresponsibility on the part of the ruling party of not presenting the unit in the face of an issue of this importance that the treatment of this issue has,” he assured. Miguel Angel Pickettoone of the JxC officials who spoke at a press conference following the match.

The opposition summit took place following the tremor that caused the resignation of Maximo Kirchner as head of the ruling bloc in the lower house for the principle of understanding for the debt between the Government and the IMF.

The meeting of the national table, which brought together the supporters and parliamentarians of Pro, the UCR, the CC and Republican Peronism, was held in La Escondida, an event room located meters from the presidential fifth of Olivos. Macri attended, who formally resumed political activity following his vacation in Villa La Angostura, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta and Bullrich. Among the emissaries of Pro were also Cristian Ritondo and Humberto Schiavoni.

On behalf of the UCR attended Morales, Alfredo Cornejo, Mario Negri, Luis Naidenoff, Maximiliano Abad and Ernesto Sanzwho replaced Martin Lousteauone of those absent along with the governors Gustavo Valdes (Corrientes) and Rodolfo Suarez (Mendoza). They were also Maximiliano Ferraro, Juan Manuel López and Maricel Etchecoinreferents of the CC, and Miguel Angel Pichetto and Ramon Puerta, envoys of Republican Peronism.

Morales suggested that Sanz and Carrió, founders of Cambiemos together with Macri, join the national force table. The idea, which had already been promoted by the CC, received unanimous support.

The opposition council had three thematic blocks (“the team”, “the rules” and “the situation”), which had been agreed upon prior to the meeting by Bullrich, Morales, Ferraro (CC) and Pichetto. It was a meeting aimed at achieving a new political ordering of the space (a new organization scheme was agreed upon) and agreeing on the parliamentary agenda. In this sense, JxC will try to show a proactive profile: it will promote a package of laws related to the fight once morest drug trafficking (declare the emergency), gender violence, education and Justice (changes in the Judicial Council), among others.

“JxC is a responsible political force for the current moments in Argentina and it is also responsible in terms of the challenges that await us in 2023. For this reason, we are going to work on issues such as insecurity, drug trafficking and that education is central. for the future of our country”, said Ferraro.



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