Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck (Valve) Could Face Another Handheld Console

Game news Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck (Valve) Could Face Another Handheld Console

Did the success of the Nintendo Switch give ideas to certain players in the video game industry? It is difficult to believe that this would not be the case as the release of the Steam Deck, very soon, suggests that competitors may emerge to share the market. In this regard, it seems that a publisher is working in the shadows on his own model.

If they do not specifically target the same audiences, the Nintendo Switch and the Steam Deck will still have to share a single market. Since the release of the last Nintendo machine, hybrid consoles seem to be popular: the sales figures from Switch are simply spectacular, and the campaign to launch the pre-orders of the Steam Deck had to quickly give Valve a smile when we learned of the enthusiasm aroused by his announcement.

This appetite for hybrid consoles has not fallen on deaf ears and it might be that a third actor has the desire to go hunting on these lands. The actor in question? Tencent! Indeed, according to the discoveries of a user posted on the social network Reddit, the company would think regarding setting up its own half-PC, half-portable console.

Steam and Epic Games, eternal rivals?

Thanks to the post of the user YukariPSO2, we can discover what would be a series of visuals of a mock-up or prototype of a potential Tencent “PC Console” machine, as implied by the back of the console. Moreover, the message posted on the subreddit dedicated to the Steam Deck, we find what is similar to a patent mentioning the various provisional specifications of the hybrid console.

By entering this field, the company Valve knew very well that it would clear the way for a whole host of other manufacturers, and Tencent might well be one of the companies to rush into the breach if indeed these visuals are linked to a project of this type. The Chinese company also has an ace up its sleeve, namely Epic Games, since it owns 40% of Tim Sweeney’s studio.

As we recently learned that Fortnite would do the impasse on the Steam Deckthe revelations around this project can make you smile so much Tencent might arrange to provide the console with certain exclusives held by the American giant.

At any rate, the images allow us to discover this prototype from every angle : we also note the presence of a “Windows” button on the left, suggesting operation under an OS from the Redmond firm.

For now, nothing has been formalized from Tencent and users have also pointed out a link with the OneXPlayer device, a project that coincides with the “PC Console” patent, which might mean that it is, in fact, a prototype of OneX and not a new portable console.

However, it would not be surprising to see the Chinese company enter this market with, in mind, the idea of ​​​​offering the Epic Games Store a machine capable of transporting the entire library of the editor. American absolutely everywhere, like what Valve is doing with Steam: it must be said that the platform of the creator of Fortnite has more than 200 million users, which represents a juicy prospect for Tencent. Case to follow!

  • Source : GameRant, Reddit

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