An avant-garde painting is vandalized by a “bored” security guard on his first day at the museum



A valuable avant-garde painting has been vandalized by a security guard “boring” (according to local media) that he drew on it with a pen on his first day of work in a Russian gallery. Reading events like this, the good performance of the Human Resources department seems more fundamental every day.

The painting ‘three figures‘, by the Russian artist Anna Leporskayavalued at 75 million rubles (877.000 euros), was exhibited in an abstract art exhibition at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center in Yekaterinburg, a museum facility dedicated to the former Russian president and with exhibition halls, a place where the vigilante made his debut who, armed with a pen, drew eyes on faces without face from the Leporskaya painting.

First day and last, of course. According to ‘The Guardian’, Alexander Drozdov, executive director of the institution, did not want to name the security guard in the statement, but did say that he worked for a private security company and that he had been fired. Apparently, the guy used a pen from the Yeltsin Center itself to damage the work.

The curator of the expo, Anna Reshetkina, has explained to this British medium that the reasons for this act of vandalism are unknown, although the administration believes that it must have been “a kind of sanity pause”. On the other hand, from ‘Art Newspaper’ they report that “the ink has penetrated slightly into the paint layer, since the titanium white used to paint the faces is not covered with author’s varnish, as is often the case in painting abstract of the time.

The vandalism was first noticed on December 7 by two visitors who raised the alarm with a gallery employee. The painting was withdrawn from the exhibition and returned to the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, which had loaned it.

The fact, according to ‘Infobae’, can bring the offender a fine of more than 535 dollars and a one-year work sentence in a correctional facility. The painting, which was insured for more than a million dollars, can be restored for a cost around 3,000 euros.

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