How far will our brain space-time take us?

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If our brain is the most complex object in the Universe, can we extrapolate Einstein’s theories to how it works? It is the unheard-of proposal of the physician, physicist and neuroscientist Denis le Bihan that takes us from the confines of the cosmos to the depths of the brain to our cerebral and necessarily relative spacetime.

Come to our brain space-time for an incredible journey to the limits of the brain and the cosmos! Daring an unprecedented insane parallel between these two universes: if the brain is one of the most complex objects in the Universe, might we not extrapolate Einstein’s work on relativity and the cosmological constant of the Universe to the very functioning of our brain? This is the brilliant and revolutionary hypothesis of the doctor and physicist Denis Le Bihan pioneer of neuro-brain imaging and founder of Neurospin, in his new book enigmatically titled : Einstein’s mistake on the edge of the brain and the cosmos, in which he multiplies the back and forth between what contemporary cosmology teaches us regarding the Universe and what brain imaging reveals regarding our brain.

With Denis Le Bihan a physician and physicist, he is a world-renowned researcher for his work on the development of highly innovative biomedical imaging methods, in particular in MRI. He founded and directs NeuroSpin, an infrastructure of the CEA, dedicated to very high-field MRI brain imaging that opened in 2007. For his new book published by Odile Jacob Einstein’s mistake, on the edge of the brain and the cosmos.

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