Minsal reports the fifth worst day of the pandemic with the highest positivity in 19 months / Nacional

The Minsal reported on Wednesday the fifth worst day of the pandemic (33,362 cases) with the highest positivity (26.71%) since June 2020. While the total number of deaths reached 40,111 (+24), the ICU completed nine days in a row with strong upward variations.

On Wednesday morning, the Ministry of Health (Minsal) reported the detection of 33,362 new infections covid-19 in Chile, 20,671 of them symptomatic.

The result of the day corresponds to fifth worst day in the whole pandemic below February 4 (37,468), February 5 (36,297), February 3 (35,197) and February 6 (34,328).

With the figure for this day, the total number of patients in the active stage of the disease decreased from 133,080 to 125,920.

As usual, the metropolitan Region led the national breakdown with 11,795 diagnoses and 46,427 active.

Valparaíso and Bío Bío are almost tied in the second place of active patients with 12,674 and 12,232 cases, respectively.

If you look at the incidence of active patients per 100 thousand inhabitants, Aysén still in first place (1,252. 2) followed by Arica and Parinacota (1010).

” The variation of new confirmed cases at the national level is 25% and 157% for the comparison of seven and 14 days, respectively, ” said the Minsal in a statement.

“Of the 33,362 new cases, 32% are diagnosed by antigen test, 35% originate by Active Case Search (BAC) and a 16% of those reported are asymptomatic”, add.


As for the ICU, it complies nine consecutive days up.

Today came to 678 hospitalized by the virus, 533 of them serious and connected to mechanical ventilation.

Specifically, this group represents an occupation of 35.22% of the ICU.

Overall, occupancy is 90.46 per cent, with 2,128 critical beds enabled and 203 available.

Positivity and deaths

On the other hand, the Government indicated that positivity was 26,71% following the study of 84,477 examinations in 180 laboratories.

That corresponds to the highest figure since June 24, 2020 (29.02%).

Three regions showed results under 20%, ten over 20% and three over 30%.

These were Coquimbo (36.98%), La Araucanía (31.84%) and Ñuble (31.20%).

Finally, with 24 new deaths, the Department of Health Statistics and Information (DEIS) updated the number of deaths linked to the pandemic to 40,111.

Check out the official infographic of the day

Remember new infections for every Wednesday from April 2021


09-02-2022 33.362
02-02-2022 29.844

26-01-2022 18.446
19-01-2022 9.509
12-01-2021 4.847
05-01-2022 1.858


29-12-2021 1.295
22-12-2021 981
15-12-2021 1.080
08-12-2021 1.401
01-12-2021 1.538

24-11-2021 1.937
17-11-2021 2.104
10-11-2021 2.229
03-11-2021 1.360

27-10-2021 1.753
20-10-2021 1.206
13-10-2021 766
06-10-2021 714

29-09-2021 525
22-09-2021 526
15-09-2021 408
08-09-2021 358
01-09-2021 375

25-08-2021 392
18-08-2021 503
11-08-2021 584
04-08-2021 674

28-07-2021 828
21-07-2021 989
14-07-2021 1.227
07-07-2021 1.892

30-06-2021 2.148
23-06-2021 2.768
16-06-2021 4.347
09-06-2021 5.369
02-06-2021 5.631

26-05-2021 5.176
19-05-2021 4.778
12-05-2021 3.920
05-05-2021 3.791

28-04-2021 4.416
21-04-2021 4.914
14-04-2021 5.497
07-04-2021 5.134



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