A doctor reveals the correct diet when infected with the Omicron mutant

The head of the “Preventive Medicine” branch of the “HealthNet” initiative, doctor, Sergey Chudakov, indicated that eating fast food, sugar substitutes and artificial sweets impedes a speedy recovery from infection with the “Omicron” mutant.

The doctor said, “People today mostly eat meals that encourage the emergence of infections, and do not help in developing the immune system, but on the contrary weaken it. These are all fast foods, especially French fries, industrial mayonnaise with vinegar, and industrial sweets.”

He noted, “Particular attention should be paid to products containing fructose.”

He added, “There is a long-standing misconception that fructose is healthier than glucose. Some consider artificial fructose products to be healthy nutrition, even though they actually have a pro-inflammatory effect and cause insulin resistance. And juices, even when freshly prepared, are not always beneficial.”

He continued, “It is better to choose fresh fruits, and if you want to drink juices, it is better to be from vegetables or at least sweet and sour fruits.”

He explained, “Foods that encourage inflammation also include all fried foods.”

He pointed out that, “The worst option is to eat fried red meat in large quantities, and the safest way to cook such meat is by boiling or cooking, but high-quality cooking on the grill is also acceptable but with hot air, the same applies to grilled vegetables.”

As for anti-inflammatory foods, they include sweet and sour fruits, almost all vegetables, they are useful in both forms: raw and heat-treated, various types of berries, especially blackberries.

“Turmeric is very popular now,” Chudakov said. “This spice also has an anti-inflammatory effect.”

He added, “There are some nuances when using onions and garlic, and he mentioned that in Russia it is generally accepted that this is a cure for all viruses. But it is better to eat onions and garlic in large quantities in courses, for 3 days with a 7-day break and not as a permanent product, because they are They destroy intestinal bacteria.”

“For many people, dairy products provoke chronic inflammation, so they should not be abused,” the specialist noted.

He believed, “It is better to give preference to yoghurt dairy products. Oatmeal, if you eat it every day, can be a stimulator for the appearance of inflammation as well, so it is better to replace it with buckwheat, rice and pearl barley.”



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