Who is the robot that downloaded the mental data? A journey through four “immortal scenarios” with a philosopher 2 (1/4) | JBpress

A journey through four “immortal scenarios” with a philosopher 2

Can the robot that downloaded the brain data be called “I” (andriano.cz/shutterstock.com)?

Humans seek eternal life. This quest, this will to immortality, is the basis of mankind’s achievements. And “how to achieve immortality”, there are only four basic forms at the root. Whether immortality can be realized by each “immortality scenario” is divided into four times and verified one by one. (JBpress)

* This article is“Lecture on” Immortality “by a popular philosopher at the University of Cambridge”This is a partial excerpt and re-edited from (written by Steven Cave, translated by Hiroyuki Shibata, Nikkei BP).

Previous article “Vitamin therapy for immortality that captivated Nobel Prize scholarsIn “, we saw the first basic form of the immortality scenario, the” survival scenario. ” But even with the longer lifespan promised by the Scientific Revolution, it turns out that the prospect of eternal life on earth remains unlikely.

Vitamin therapy for immortality that captivated Nobel Prize scholars


But the earth is not a barren wilderness. Everything dies, but the world is still full of vitality, full of greenery, and full of flowers. The blue bell in spring withers too easily, but it will grow once more from the ground the following year. In nature, death is not the end, but only part of a larger cycle, the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Many people have been given hope because they saw it. Without this hope, they have no choice but to accept the decline of their bodies. They know that we humans, like other creatures, prosper for a short time and then disappear. But, as with Bluebell, I hope that its disappearance is only a harbinger of rebirth. This is the second basic form of the immortality scenario, the “Resurrection Scenario”.

All you have to do is record the psychological information of the brain

Unusual things are needed to revive the dead. But specifically, there are three theories that encourage cutting-edge research that hopes to push our ultimate limits. There are various theories related to cryonics, mind uploading (uploading of the mind), and superintelligence.



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