Cold hands and feet is a common sign of poor circulation

Cold hands and feet are common in winter, especially when exposed to cold weather, but in some cases they can be signs of a problem with blood flow. What can you do to improve blood circulation? .. This is what we learn in the following lines, according to the website Daily Express.

Poor circulation occurs when blood does not flow freely through the body due to Clogged arteriesThis can be harmful, as it means that your organs (including the heart and brain) are not receiving all the nutrients they need to function properly In addition, your legs, feet, hands and arms will not receive enough blood either and all of this can lead to a host of Of the problems, some of them may be life-threatening.

One of the most common signs of poor circulation is cold hands and feet, which can be very uncomfortable. This occurs due to reduced blood flow around the body, which can lead to temperature fluctuations in the skin and nerve endings in the hands and feet.

Slow wound healing may be due to poor circulation

Healing is a normal part of life, but sometimes our bodies do not allow our wounds to heal properly, and although there are several reasons for this, the most common of them is poor circulation It takes longer to fix, and you might be left with a wound for longer than usual.

Muscle aches and stiffness

Persistent muscle soreness can be very bothersome and there are many potential causes of muscle soreness, ranging from overexertion to dehydration, but one factor that is often overlooked as the main culprit is poor circulation.

For people who lift weights regularly, muscle pain is not an unusual sign, but extended episodes of pain may be an indication of inadequate blood flow. This can be easily relieved with specific massage treatments.

These medications not only help in speeding up the blood circulation, but also ensure that the muscles get enough oxygen and nutrients to get rid of the pain.

Poor focus and poor cognitive health

If you find that you often forget things or struggle to stay focused on a task at work, you may have poor circulation that affects the daily functioning of your brain.

These cognitive problems can result from reduced blood flow to the brain, as it does not pump blood through the body fast enough.



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