The eight reasons to study Family Medicine

Ruben Blanco, R3 of Family medicine, has decided to publish through its social networks an allegation in favor of the specialty, thus encouraging the students who this year present themselves to the MIR exam to choose it.

“I see nothing but disheartening comments regarding the future of Family Medicine and it has to be terrible for our colleagues from the MIR read so much pessimism in reference to our specialty”, he begins writing in his message before listing one by one each reason why he does not regret this decision.

The resident continues assuring that he wants to continue being a family doctor because only “we know how to do, with only our hands, a phonendoscope, some constants, an ECG and a urine strip”. Blanco continues his argument by talking regarding the satisfaction it produces that in “a home consultation where you guess a diagnosis without any additional tests and then it’s confirmed at the hospital.

Why study the specialty of Family Medicine?

“That palliative patient whom you accompany until the last moment or that not even with a thousand sick days can be left behind,” he emphasizes in his message as two other great reasons. In addition, it also ensures that “you can go from the diagnosis of a possible uveitis to the drainage of an abscess through an ultrasound for suspected biceps tendonitis.” “No Groundhog Days”, says.

The resident also highlights in his message that “in a health center you breathe another environment different from that of a hospital”. “There is less latent competitiveness, fewer hierarchies, more smiles and if one manages to integrate well, the center is like a second home,” he admits.

Finally, R3 points out two other reasons that he considers equally important. On the one hand, it states that “the good family doctors they are the most versatile and efficient doctors in all of healthcare” and on the other, “it is the only specialty that allows you to work anywhere in Spain”. In addition, Blanco acknowledges that “although what surrounds the specialty is disgusting, what happens from the moment the patient enters the consultation can be wonderful”.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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