When the Emirates and the Houthis were on the same side

The growing hostility between the two camps hides an essential part of Yemen’s recent history: the tacit alliance between Abu Dhabi and the Houthis against the “spring” of the Yemenis in 2011, recalls the pan-Arab daily Al-Araby Al-Jadid.

Critics and enemies of the UAE rejoiced when Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked the tiny Gulf monarchy with drone bombs and ballistic missile fire [le 17 janvier, puis à nouveau le 24 janvier et le 31 janvier, visant dans les deux cas la capitale Abou Dhabi].

They were delighted, because they consider that the Emirates are the masterminds of the counter-revolution, as well as of the policy of normalization of relations with Israel. What escapes them, however, is that the Houthis, supported by Iran, are also actors in the counter-revolution.

It was the Houthis above all who destroyed the dreams of a unified, pluralistic and democratic Yemen expressed by the revolutionaries gathered in Taghiir Square [“place du Changement”, à Sanaa, en 2011]. Worse, the Houthis have taken the country backwards, with their project to restore the Imami obscurantist regime. [la monarchie théocratique qui régnait sur le Yémen du Nord jusqu’en 1962], and have created confessional and regional fractures that will be difficult to bridge.

counter-revolutionary alliance

One cannot rejoice that an Arab capital is bombarded by Iran’s allies in Yemen. These strikes have hit the Emirates hard and scratched their prestige, such as the 2019 Houthi ballistic attack on Saudi Arabia.

The damage for the Emirates is surmountable. What is not is the harm inflicted by the Houthis in Yemen since they invaded the capital, Sanaa [en 2015], and

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Yasser Abu Hilala

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