The morning show “Tu dia” on Channel 13 was the most reported to CNTV in January, according to figures | TV and Show

Deputy Jenny Álvarez, following an interview on the morning of Channel 13, generated more than 100 complaints from viewers, due to her decision not to get vaccinated once morest the coronavirus.

“Your day”, a morning show on Channel 13, was the most denounced National Television Council (CNTV) just last January, adding 101 reports.

This is due to the interview that was made to the deputy Jenny Alvarez on January 28, where he spoke regarding his opposition to vaccination once morest covid-19.

Viewers described her as someone who “issues an anti-vaccine speech that directly attacks the management of the pandemic and the protection of public health, doubting the effectiveness of this”.

In turn, some people added that “the drivers of the morning they did not interrupt their speech at any time to indicate otherwise.”

The deputy was infected with coronavirus, when vaccination had already been enabled and in an interview with Las Últimas Noticias the fact was disclosed, reason for which she was interviewed in the morning.

In that instance, the PS supporter had a brush with the journalist Mauricio Jürgensen, where he noted:

“I am not opposed to the vaccine, nor that people get vaccinated. It is respect for the rights of workers, which is being violated“.

“Workers have the right to decide whether or not to get vaccinated, they cannot prohibit a worker from going to a place if they are not vaccinated”, he added.

Total complaints for the month of January

According to CNTV data, the total complaints for the month of January were 248 and the other programs that viewers reported are: “Chilevisión news followingnoon” and “Zero Tolerance”, also from Chilevisión.

Both took place on January 30 and as for “Chilevisión Noticias Tarde”, an interview was reported on the ground with a resident of Iquique regarding the migratory crisis and the increase in crime.

Who called for a coup and praised the figure of Augusto Pinochet, in a violent act of denial, to which the reporter only tells him “very kind thank you”.

On the other hand, the public that was watching “Zero Tolerance” denounced the journalist Macarena Lescornez, because he asked “the Minister of Health Enrique Paris to toughen the measures taken with the mobility pass and complicate the lives of the unvaccinated.”



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