Measles cases confirmed in several health districts (Official)

AA / Lomé / Alphonse Logo

Togolese Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Access to Care, Moustafa Mijiyawa, said in a statement on Monday that the country has recorded several cases of measles.

According to the minister’s statement, the disease appeared in several health districts of the country during the month of January 2022. These are the districts of Agoè, Golfe, Zio and Avé, in the south country and Bassar in the north.

If the complications related to this disease are not often frequent, the Togolese government announces that, faced with the situation, several measures had been taken to prevent the spread.

Among other things, the minister’s press release mentions “organization of case management, strengthening of epidemiological surveillance and early warning, raising awareness of the population on preventive measures between routine anti-measles vaccination and what to do in the face of signs of suspicion”

The manifest signs are, according to the same press release, “a high fever, rhinorrhea (runny nose), red eyes and a rash”.

On behalf of the Togolese government, the Minister calls for increased vigilance, and the adoption of certain behaviors to avoid contracting this disease.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infectious disease affecting mainly children. It is transmitted by inhaling droplets of nasal or pharyngeal secretions emitted by an infected person.

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