Worms: The English studio Team17 announces ecological NFTs

Game News Worms: The English studio Team17 announces ecological NFTs

Team17, the British studio behind franchises like Worms and Overcooked, is also getting into NFTs. But not just any! According to the interested parties, their approach would be respectful of the environment and would represent only a tiny amount of energy.

The NFTs have not finished making us see all the colors. For its management of their non-fungible tokens, the English company Team17 has approached Reality Gaming Group and the Ethereum blockchain, or rather the “side-chain” of Ethereum. Concretely, this means that transactions will pass through a blockchain separate from the main blockchain. According to the announcement, the use of this separate “path” makes it possible to offer ecological exchanges.

Thanks to this system, the MetaWorms NFT will consume much less energy! We are even given an example! If 100,000 people buy an NFT, the consumption claimed by the registration of these objects would represent the annual use of a kettle in 11 households. Now, it remains to be seen what this will give in a real situation.


Team17 does not stop and specifies that a partnership with “Coin 4 Planet” will make it possible to donate part of the profits. The company specializing in NFTs operates a principle called Refeed Farms which uses vermicomposting to recycle waste. By using worms, we obtain, according to them, a much cleaner composting than by commercial fertilizers.

For now, NFT MetaWorms remain discreet, but you can get a glimpse of them on the site Metaworms.live. It is a Worms filled with sequins and carrying a Holy Pomegranate, all on a pedestal marked with the word Colonel. Team17 has also launched a Discord to begin to establish a roadmap and for the main stakeholders to discuss among themselves.

As reported Eurogamer, this is only the beginning of NFT and we have not finished seeing information and interviews to reassure players and tell them all the good things regarding this system. Ubisoft tried an approach that turned out to be very clumsy (basically, players don’t understand NFTs and don’t see their point yet), so it will probably take a lot more education to get the public to buy into all that.

Source : Eurogamer

Worms: The English studio Team17 announces ecological NFTs
Profile de Ayden_, Jeuxvideo.com

Through Ayden_, Journalist jeuxvideo.com




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