Despite the victory of Christiane Taubira, the failed bet of the Popular Primary

The Popular Primary, this citizens’ initiative which wanted to unite the left and ecology, therefore resulted in one more candidacy, that of Christiane Taubira. A failure for all sincere militants of a unity on the left. A victory for the former minister, who found there a mode of launching for a candidacy in extremis. In this primary which was no longer one – it did not engage its candidates – this Sunday, January 30, which was to be its apex, looked like a missed opportunity.

It was in a Parisian concert hall on Sunday evening that the results were announced. A silent room, hanging on the verdict. The People’s Primary volunteers, tired perhaps from months of work, barely blinked when the former minister’s name was mentioned. His name was politely applauded, no more, like the others. It must be said that the result of this investiture by majority judgment had the appearance of a severe rendering of copies for a left bad student.

The results of the Popular Primary are announced at Trabendo, in Paris, on January 30, 2022.
Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Presidential 2022: the left suspended on the result of the popular Primary

Christiane Taubira, mention much more, Yannick Jadot, quite well more, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, quite less, Pierre Larrouturou, passable more, Anne Hidalgo passable more, Charlotte Marchandise, passable less, Anna Agueb-Porterie, insufficient. Some feared that the majority judgment would not give a clear result, this is not the case, the voters chose the only major candidate to have accepted the rules. Even if the environmentalist is not so far behind.

In the front row in front of the stage, emissaries from the environmental pole expressed their disappointment. “If he had campaigned, Yannick Jadot, who is very well placed, would have been appointed”, estimated Alain Coulombel (Europe ecology-The Greens). Marie Luchi, of Génération.s, noted that in the calendar of the campaign, this primary had missed the mark: “We found ourselves surfing on candidates that had already been announced. » “We expected something else, that all the candidates come…”, regretted the sociologist Dominique Méda, one of the first godmothers of the process.

“Keep Gathering”

Shunned, then picked up by Anne Hidalgo and Christiane Taubira, then dropped by Anne Hidalgo, this investiture in any case failed to rally the parties to it: curious at first, they mostly ended up angry. His image emerged tarnished, thanks in particular to videos showing that like the political professionals they castigate, the organizers had given in to petty strategy.

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