Christiane Taubira, winner of the French popular primaries

  • More than 465,000 people were able to vote in these internal elections of the ‘gauche’, which get on the nerves of the leaders of France Insumisa, the Socialist Party (PS) and Europe Ecology The Greens

Christiane Taubira has won the French popular primary this Sunday. The candidate, former minister of Justice of the Government of François Hollande, She was one of the favorites and is considered by a part of the left as the providential woman who will manage to remove the progressive space from ostracism.

Between Thursday and Sunday took place in France the People’s Primary. More of 465,000 people might vote in these internal elections of the left, which get on the nerves of the leaders of France Insumisa, Socialist Party (PS) and Europa Ecología Los Verdes, by putting the name of their candidates to the vote without their approval.

Taubira obtained the best result, ahead of the ecologist Yannick Jadot, the leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon, the MEP Pierre Larrouturou and the socialist Anne Hidalgo. “Thank you for your trust,” Taubira, a former socialist justice minister, told supporters in Paris. “We want a united left, we want a standing left, We have a long road ahead of us.” He said. The aim of the vote is for the winner to win the support of the other candidates, in order to create a united left-wing bloc to face President Emmanuel Macron in the April elections.

controversial choice

But the primary, launched by political activists including environmental, feminist and anti-racist groups, was hit by various setbacks. The greatest of all was rejection manifested by the candidates of weight like Mélenchon, Jadot or Hidalgo, mayor of Paris. “For me, the primary page turned a long time ago,” Jadot said Saturday, while Mélenchon called the initiative a “farce”.

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Taubira, 69, was already the best placed candidate and has already stated that she would accept the verdict of the primary. According to the polls, all the leftist candidates would be eliminated in the first round of the presidential elections in April. Macron, who has not yet declared himself a candidate for re-election, is the favorite, according to the polls, followed by the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.

However, pollsters warned that the political landscape remains highly volatile and the outcome of the election remains very difficult to predict.



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