“Hohneck, the trotter who impressed me the most”: François Lagadeuc will have a chance in the Prix d’Amérique

For the third time in his career, François Lagadeuc will be at the start of the Prix d’Amérique. After two unsuccessful experiences, the driver from Grandcamp-Maisy (Manche) will be associated with Hohneck, one of the first chances of this prestigious Group I. At 28, the professional with 746 successes in competition confides in his state of mind a few days before this big deadline, on his agreement with Philippe Allaire and on his development.

In what state of mind are you a few days before the event?

FRANÇOIS LAGADEUC. I am not someone who puts pressure on myself. I feel good. Obviously, the Face Time Bourbon package allows everyone to envisage victory. This changes the face of the race but we know it well in advance to prepare for it. A few days ago, I would have placed third in a forecast. There, I place second behind Astonishing. Maybe because I fetish myself a bit.

How do you judge the preparation of Hohneck?

She is perfect. Since this winter, the more he runs, the better he is. Last time, he was never so good at winning. He’s run a lot and knows what it’s like to go into battle. He’s a real warrior. It may even be a chance to face his elders for the first time. I think he can overcome this ordeal.

What do you love most regarding your horse?

Honestly? (he pauses) Everything. I find no fault with it. He is the trotter who has impressed me the most since the start of my career.

On February 15, 2019, Philippe Allaire called on your services for the first time. How is your relationship going?

So far, everything is going well. His horses are perfectly presented, and it is always a pleasure to be their partner. In contact with him, I have certainly progressed but I still have to make efforts. I am gaining experience in major races thanks to Philippe. He is also a frank man. I like this. When he makes a criticism, he is surely right. You have to collect, reflect, analyze and know how to question yourself. Afterwards, I am of a fairly calm character so maybe that suits him too.

Is this your strength?

I’m not as calm as Franck Nivard (laughs). I am before and following the race, but when I return to the track, I tend to get a little fired up. But a horse like Hohneck helps me calm down. He is so good that he catches up with your mistakes in an instant.

You also became a father twice…

It helps me a lot to relativize and mature. I’m no longer a kid. My partner, Cécile Martineau, understands me perfectly and knows that I question myself a lot. It is important.

With 167 successes last year, are we currently seeing the best François Lagadeuc evolve?

I hope not (laughs). To get to this level, I worked hard. I traveled a lot through France and I won races in the provinces. My goal is to win more races at Vincennes. But I still make too many mistakes. I have to understand them to avoid repeating them. Yoann Lebourgeois always told me that the most important thing is to be as consistent as possible, whatever the category.

How important is it to play your agent in your progress?

It was a click. Without Enzo (Bodineau), I don’t think I would be at this level. He’s a big hard worker. Like me. And he’s really passionate. He watches all the races and knows all the horses.

Do you consider yourself more of a driver than a jockey?

Six months ago, I would have said driver. But I was associated with good horses at the mounted trot and I regained a taste for riding. It’s very physical to go up in suspension, and when you don’t have results, you get depressed more easily. As I do a good winter meeting as a jockey (he won nine mounted races during the meeting), I would say both at the moment.



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