Orbn and Morawiecki disagree with Abascal on the threat from Russia


The Hungarian prime minister avoids attacking Putin and the Pole warns that it is “a security problem for Europe”

Abascal and Mateusz Morawiecki, this Saturday, in Madrid.AFP

Vox has brought together this Saturday in Madrid two of the European representatives most directly involved in the Ukrainian crisis but with diametrically opposed views. On the one hand, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbn, with a non-frontist position with Russia, and the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, who insisted following the end of the summit on the need for Europe and NATO to stop “Putin’s imperial dream”.

The representative of Poland, one of the countries closest to the conflict zone, considers that the Ukraine crisis is “a security problem for Europe”. Morawiecki appeared together with the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal.

However, Orbn avoided condemning and attacking Russia or its president, Vladimir Putin. He understands that it is “a very complicated situation”, but avoids criticism of the Russian leader, with whom he maintains excellent relations and plans to meet shortly.

The Madrid meeting, which in addition to the Polish and Hungarian leaders was attended by political representatives from more than a dozen European countries, was held with the Ukraine crisis as the key issue. Despite the fact that it was one of the parts in which a lot of discussion took place, held behind closed doors, the attendees achieved a minimum agreement on the crisis in the East.

“Every nation should have a voice”

This call closed in the month of December, in another similar summit that was held in Poland. On this occasion, the attendees have signed a manifesto in which, among other points, they commit to work to guarantee that the nations of Europe act in solidarity in the face of the threat of external aggression.

“Russia’s military actions on Europe’s eastern border have brought us to the brink of war. Solidarity, determination and defense cooperation among the nations of Europe are necessary in the face of such threats. European nations see the ineffectiveness of EU diplomacy. Each nation should have a strong and united voice to preserve peace, territorial integrity and the inviolability of the borders of European nations”.

Abascal, who acted as host, left in the hands of his spokesman, George Buxad, the explanations and the agreements reached at the summit.

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