Unlocking your iPhone with Face ID while wearing a mask will now be possible

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Kaspars Grinvalds — stock.adobe.

It will now be possible for an iPhone user to unlock their phone with facial recognition, while wearing a mask. Apple wanted to adapt to everyday life in the era of the coronavirus.

Facial recognition. A quick and easy way to unlock your phone. Just show your face…and voila! But since the coronavirus pandemic, the mask has appeared in our daily lives. An element that confuses more than one phone.

Apple therefore wanted to adapt to this new life. A new option will soon be available on the American firm’s iPhones. Facial recognition will work on an iPhone, even if you wear a mask!

This feature is possible with the iOS 15.4 version, available in beta since January 27, according to Numerama. An option available in the settings now allows to “use Face ID with a mask”. An unlock that should work with any mask.

How is it possible? Apple has indicated that their popular smartphones will now have the ability to recognize “unique features around the eyes” to authenticate the user.

Certainly more convenient, this new feature is less secure, however, with Face ID being “more accurate” when configured for full face recognition.



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