The Ministry of Health announces the amendment of the treatment protocol for Corona to include the drug molnopiravir

Hossam Hosni, head of the Scientific Committee to Combat Corona at the Ministry of Health and Population, confirmed that the treatment protocol for Corona had been amended, to start treatment with the new drugs that were included, such as: MolnopiravirHe stressed that it is only available in hospitals, and it has not been authorized in pharmacies so far.

Hossam Hosni said, in statements to the seventh day, that the Omicron mutant will not be the last in the chains of the Corona mutant, stressing that those infected with it have very mild symptoms and recover within 10 days.

Hossam Hosni added that the Egyptian state has not yet reached herd immunity with regard to infections with the Corona virus, continuing: “We hope to reach herd immunity through vaccinations and vaccinations, and not through infections.

He continued, “Herd immunity means that 70% of the community has received the vaccine or been exposed to infection with the virus, and therefore immunity is achieved as a result of the vaccine or disease.”



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