Headstand stools for yogis: how to use them correctly

Secure hold thanks to the headstand stool: This is how you succeed in the yoga inverted position

Real yoga professionals can do the headstand following a long practice even without a stool

© fizkes / Getty Images

The headstand is a classic practice of hatha yoga, which is primarily regarding the balance between body and mind. For beginners, this pose, also called “Shirshasana”, is anything but easy – but not impossible if you use a headstand stool to help.

The Sanskrit name of Shirshasana is “śīrṣāsana” and is composed of two words: “śīrṣa” means “head” and “āsana” means “seat”. What is meant by this is a headstand, also called inversion in yoga. In addition to the inner balance, which is promoted during the exercise, the back and trunk muscles should also benefit from the position. Through the perfect symbiosis of strength and balance, body control and stamina. The headstand is easy for experienced yogis, but not an easy task for beginners. They rely on support from another person or a wall unless using a headstand stool. Everything you need to know regarding it before purchasing it is explained below.

Fact check: What is a headstand stool?

In order to protect the head and neck area and thus minimize the risk of injury, investing in a headstand stool be quite reasonable. Due to its special shape, it not only supports the ascent into the yoga position, but also ensures a secure hold during the pose. The lying surfaces can be used to support the arms, while the upholstery optimally supports the shoulders and neck. This relieves the pressure on the head (and cervical spine), which normally carries most of the load. In plain language, this means: The stool enables you to assume the inverted posture more easily, with more control and for longer. But other exercises on the Yogamatte are possible with the special device.

Shirshasana: what does a yoga headstand do?

One or the other yoga beginner may ask at this point why one should practice the inversion pose at all if one has not (yet) mastered it on one’s own. In fact, Shirshasana has several advantages: the headstand strengthens the cardiovascular system and is said to improve brain function. This in turn has a positive effect on your ability to concentrate and counteracts tiredness. And last but not least, the exercise is just fun when you can do it – regardless of whether you are using a headstand stool or not. Who doesn’t want to turn the world upside down or look at it from a different angle every now and then?

Headstand stools: this is what you need to know regarding it

Most models will be made wood or metal manufactured. The natural material is often preferred not only because of its pleasant feel, but also because of the fact that metal-like surfaces can be slippery. The foam pads attached to them are almost always made of imitation leather, which makes them easier to clean – and bare skin (for example on the shoulders) adheres better to them without slipping. Depending on the manufacturer, the headstand stool can withstand a maximum weight of 150 to 900 (!) kilograms. The most important thing is that the feet are non-slip so that you can easily perform the yoga inversion. If necessary, an anti-slip mat can be added here if the stool is not stable. However, many manufacturers have taken this point into account in their product.

Tips: How to do a headstand with the stool

To help you get started with the inverted yoga pose, the key steps are summarized below:

  1. Take the headstand stool and place it close to a wall on the first try – this will give you support for your feet if necessary.
  2. Kneel in front of the stool, grasp the armrests with your hands and then put your head in the recess in the upholstery.
  3. Straighten your legs and move as close as possible to the stool so that your back is as vertical as possible.
  4. Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly, but with a little momentum, raise your straight legs.
  5. Hold the position for as long as you can and adjust your posture if you feel uncomfortable.

In addition to the headstand, many more yoga exercises can be performed with the stool, as this video shows:

Alternatively, you can also use one yoga class (e.g. via Jochen Schweizer) online. In it you will learn everything regarding the basic knowledge of the Indian emptiness and will be introduced to the exercises step by step.

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