Announcement on Subscription, Redemption, and Conversion of Bond-type Sponsored Securities Investment Funds Opened Regularly for Six Months by China-Canada Yijin | Fees | Fund Contracts | Securities Investment Funds

Original title: Announcement on the opening of subscription, redemption and conversion of bond-type sponsored securities investment funds on a six-month regular basis

Delivery date: January 27, 2022

1. Announcement of basic information

Note: 1. The Fund is a regular open fund. The closed period of the Fund is from the effective date of the Fund Contract (including the effective date of the Fund Contract) or the day following the end of each open period (including the effective date of the Fund Contract). This day), to the day before the corresponding day six months later (if the day is not a working day or the corresponding date does not exist in the calendar year, it will be postponed to the next working day). The Fund will not handle subscription and redemption business during the closed period, nor will it be listed for trading. The fifth closing period of the Fund is from August 6, 2021 to February 6, 2022.

2. The opening period is from February 7, 2022 to February 11, 2022. From February 12, 2022, the Fund will enter the sixth closing period, which will be from February 12, 2022 to August 11, 2022.

2. Processing time of daily subscription, redemption and conversion business

2.1 Open days and opening hours

The Fund accepts subscription and redemption applications from investors during the open period. February 07, 2022 is the start date of the Open Day following the end of the fifth operation cycle of the Fund.

2.2 Start date and business processing time of subscription, redemption and switching business

According to the “China-Canada Yijin Six-Month Regularly Open Bond-type Sponsored Securities Investment Fund Fund Contract” and the “China-Canada Yijin Six-Month Regularly Open Bond-type Sponsored Securities Investment Fund Prospectus”, the Fund will open every six months. Once, each time the opening period is not less than five working days and no more than ten working days. The opening period of the China-Canada Yijin six-month regular opening bond-type sponsored securities investment fund is from February 7, 2022 to February 11, 2022. During the period, the Fund adopts an open operation mode, and investors can handle the subscription, redemption, conversion or other business of fund shares. The specific processing time is the trading hours of the normal trading days of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, except when the fund manager announces the suspension of subscription, redemption and conversion in accordance with laws and regulations, the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission or the provisions of the fund contract.

3. Daily subscription business

3.1 Subscription amount limit

When subscribing, the minimum amount for a single purchase by an investor through other sales agencies is 10.00 yuan (including the subscription fee), and the minimum amount for a single additional subscription is 10.00 yuan (including the subscription fee). If each sales agency has other regulations on the minimum subscription amount and transaction level of the Fund, the business regulations of each sales agency shall prevail, but it shall not be lower than the minimum amount specified by the fund manager. For subscription through the direct sales counter of the Fund Manager, the minimum subscription amount for the first time is 10.00 yuan (including subscription fee), and the minimum amount for a single additional subscription is 10.00 yuan (including subscription fee).

3.2 Subscription fee

The subscription fee for Class A fund shares shall be borne by the investors of Class A fund shares, which are not included in the fund property and are mainly used for the marketing, sales, registration and other expenses of the Fund. No subscription fee will be charged when investors choose to reinvest dividends into fund units. Subscription fees for this Fund are only applicable to Class A Fund Units. There is no subscription fee for Class C fund units of the Fund.

If an investor subscribes for multiple Class A fund shares within one day, the applicable fee will be calculated separately for each transaction. The subscription fee is as follows:

3.3 Other Matters Related to Subscription

A single investor of the Fund may hold 50% or more of the fund shares, and the Fund will not be publicly sold to individual investors.

4. Daily redemption business

4.1 Redemption share limit

Investors can redeem all or part of the fund shares. A single redemption of fund units shall not be less than 10.00 units. If the balance of fund units retained by the fund unit holders at the outlets of the sales agency at the time of redemption or following redemption is less than 10.00 units, they shall be redeemed in full at the time of redemption. In actual operation, the specific regulations of each sales organization shall prevail.

4.2 Redemption rate

The redemption rates for Class A and Class C fund units of the Fund are as follows:

The redemption fee of the Fund shall be borne by the fund unitholders who redeem the fund units, and will be charged when the fund unitholders redeem the fund units. The full amount of the redemption fee shall be included in the fund property.

4.3 Other matters related to redemption


5. Daily conversion business

5.1 Conversion rate

5.1.1 The fund switching fee consists of the fund redemption fee and the fund subscription fee.

5.1.2 Fund switching can only be carried out between fund units under the same charging model. That is, the fund shares in the front-end mode can only be converted into the front-end mode shares of another fund, and the fund shares in the back-end mode can only be converted into the back-end mode shares of another fund. Investors should clearly indicate the category when submitting a fund switching business.

5.1.3 When switching out the fund, if the involved switching-out fund has redemption fees, the redemption fee for the fund will be charged.

5.1.4 When switching into a fund, when switching from a fund with a low subscription fee to a fund with a high subscription fee, the subscription supplementary fee will be charged each time; when switching from a fund with a high subscription fee to a fund with a low subscription fee, the subscription supplementary fee will not be charged. .

5.1.5 For the switching business of funds under the Company, the minimum switching application share is subject to the relevant announcements of each product. If a switching application results in the fund unit balance of the single trading account of the transferred-out fund being less than the minimum reserved balance limit of the fund, part of the fund shares in the transferred-out fund balance will be redeemed at the same time.

5.1.6 Investors can initiate multiple fund switching business, and the fund switching fee is calculated separately for each application.

5.1.7 The conversion fee is in RMB, and the calculation result is rounded up to two decimal places.

5.1.8 In the event that its funds carry out preferential subscription rate activities (including the preferential rate activities in the company’s online trading system, unless otherwise specified in the announcement), the subscription supplementary fee for fund conversion will be calculated at the discounted rate. , but for fund switching applications filed through online transactions of sales agencies, if the company does not make special instructions, the regulations of each sales agency shall prevail.

5.1.9 In case of preferential subscription rate activities, the composition of the fund switching fee also applies to the above rules, that is, the fund switching fee consists of the fund redemption fee and the fund subscription supplementary fee.

5.1.10 Conversion formula and its calculation

(1) Calculation of redemption fee when the fund is transferred out:

Transfer-out amount = transfer-out unit × net value of fund unit on the day of transfer-out fund

Redemption fee of switch-out fund = switch-out amount × redemption rate of switch-out fund

Net transfer-out amount = transfer-out amount – redemption fee for the transfer-out fund

(2) Calculation of the subscription supplementary fee when the fund is transferred in:

Calculate the amount of supplementary fee = (transfer out units – reinvested units) × net value of fund units on the day when the fund is transferred out – (fund redemption fee – redemption fee for reinvested units)

Subscription supplementary fee = Max{[Calculate supplementary fee amount/(1+ Subscription rate of transfer-in fund)]× Subscription rate of transfer-in fund -[Calculate supplementary amount/(1+ Subscription rate of transfer-out fund)]× Transfer Fund subscription fee, 0}

Net transfer-in amount = transfer-out amount – transfer-out fund redemption fee – subscription make-up fee

Transfer-in unit = net transfer-in amount ÷ net value of fund unit on the day of transfer-in fund

If the subscription fee for the transfer-in fund applies to a fixed fee, then the subscription fee for the transfer-in fund = the fixed subscription fee for the transfer-in fund.

If the subscription fee for the switch-out fund applies to a fixed fee, the subscription fee for the switch-out fund = the fixed subscription fee for the switch-out fund.

The transferred shares shall be rounded to two decimal places, and the resulting errors shall be attributed to the fund property.

5.2 Other matters related to conversion

5.2.1 The Fund can be switched with funds under the Manager that have opened switching business.

5.2.2 Sales organizations that have opened the switching business

Fund switching can only be done at the same sales agency. The two funds to be converted must be funds managed by the same fund manager sold by the sales agency and registered with the same registration agency.

The Fund is handled through the direct sales counter and online transaction of China Canada Fund Management Co., Ltd.

If other sales agencies open the fund’s switching business in the future, the company may no longer make special announcements. Investors are advised to pay attention to the announcements of the sales agencies opening the above-mentioned business or inquire regarding the relevant sales agencies.

5.2.3 The business rules for the conversion of funds under the Company are subject to relevant laws and regulations and the relevant rules of the fund manager.

6. Fund sales agencies

6.1 Off-market sales organizations

6.1.1 Direct Selling Organizations

China Canada Fund Management Co., Ltd. Direct Sales Center.

6.1.2 Over-the-counter non-direct selling agencies

Fund managers may, in accordance with the “Securities Investment Fund Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Administrative Measures for the Operation of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds”, “Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Sales Institutions of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds” and the Fund Contract, select other funds that meet the requirements. Institutions sell the Fund and announce it on the Fund Manager’s website.

6.2 On-site sales organizations


7. Disclosure arrangements for the announcement of the net value of fund shares/announcement of fund income

During the open period, the fund manager shall, no later than the day following each open day, disclose the net value of fund shares and the cumulative net value of fund shares of various fund shares on the open day through the designated website, the website of the fund sales agency or the business outlet.

8. Other matters that need to be reminded

8.1 How to apply for subscription and redemption

Investors must submit an application for subscription or redemption within the specific business processing time on the open day according to the procedures specified by the sales agency.

When subscribing for fund shares, investors must prepare sufficient funds for subscription in the manner prescribed by the sales agency. When submitting a redemption application, investors must have sufficient fund share balance, otherwise the submitted subscription and redemption application will be invalid and the transaction will not be executed. .

The documents that investors should submit when handling subscription, redemption and other businesses, as well as the handling procedures, handling time, handling rules, etc., are subject to the specific regulations of each sales agency, subject to compliance with the provisions of the fund contract and prospectus.

8.2 Payment for Subscription and Redemption

When an investor subscribes for a fund unit, he must pay the subscription amount in full within the specified time, and the investor pays the subscription amount, and the subscription is established; when the registration institution confirms the fund share, the subscription becomes effective.

Fund unit holders submit a redemption application, and the redemption is established; when the registration institution confirms the redemption, the redemption takes effect. After the investor’s redemption application takes effect, the fund manager will pay the redemption amount within T+7 days (inclusive). In the event of a huge redemption or other suspension of redemption or delay in payment of redemption funds specified in the fund contract, the payment method of the funds shall be handled with reference to the relevant provisions of the fund contract.

In the event of exchange or trading market data transmission delay, communication system failure, bank data exchange system failure or other factors beyond the control of the fund manager and the fund custodian that affect the business processing process, the redemption payment transfer time will be postponed accordingly. The most recent business day for which the factor was removed.

8.3 Confirmation of Subscription and Redemption Applications

The Fund Manager shall take the day on which the valid subscription and redemption applications are accepted before the end of the trading time as the subscription or redemption application date (T day). Undergo verification. For a valid application submitted on T day, the investor should check the confirmation of the application at the counter of the sales outlet or in other ways specified by the sales agency following T+2 day (including the day). If the subscription is unsuccessful or invalid, the principal of the subscription will be returned to the investor. If the relevant laws and regulations and the CSRC stipulate otherwise, the regulations shall be followed.

The acceptance of the subscription and redemption application by the fund sales agency does not mean that the application is necessarily successful, but only that the sales agency has received the subscription and redemption application. The confirmation of subscription and redemption is subject to the confirmation result of the registration institution. Investors should promptly inquire regarding the confirmation of the application and properly exercise their legal rights.

The fund manager may, within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, and on the premise of not causing harm to the interests of fund share holders, adjust the above-mentioned business processing time, methods and other rules. Fund managers shall make announcements in accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Measures for Information Disclosure” before the implementation of the new rules.

If you have any questions, please contact the Fund Manager.

Customer Service Hotline: 400-00-95526

Official website:

Risk disclosure:

The fund manager promises to manage and use the fund assets with good faith, diligence and responsibility, but does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee the minimum return. Investors are kindly requested to read the Fund Contract and Prospectus of the Fund carefully before investing, and choose products that match their risk tolerance.

China Canada Fund Management Co., Ltd.

January 27, 2022



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