For lack of a large enough room, Mélenchon begins his meeting in the street in Bordeaux

Too small or too crowded? This Monday, the candidate of France Insoumise for the 2022 presidential election Jean-Luc Mélenchon began his meeting in the street in Bordeaux, unable to welcome all his sympathizers in the Femina theater reserved for the occasion.

“I am told: ‘Do you feel alone? Not at all ! Am I alone tonight?’ “, he harangued at the door of the room in front of a compact crowd which had made the decision to stay for the time of the political rally, as a sign of mobilization.

“The fact that you say to yourself ‘we stay outside all the same together’ shows the political complicity that exists between us”, greeted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who sees in this event the “demonstration of a balance of power”.

Demonstrate the balance of power

La France Insoumise claimed 3,000 people on Monday, for a room planned for only 1,500 people. Organizational error, staging or simple popularity? The room has been “reserved since December and we were overwhelmed by the dynamics”, declared on BFMTV Bastien Lachaud, the organizer of the meeting.

On the merits, Jean-Luc Mélenchon presented his food program saying he wanted to “change all agriculture so that it ceases to be hell for those who practice it, and nauseating” for consumers.

In front of the Théâtre Femina, he laid down the principle underlying his measures on this subject: “harmony between human beings and with nature”, ie ecology. The rebellious presidential candidate recalled that “a peasant commits suicide every day”, denounced the “ultra-concentrated farms” and “factory farms”.

He also positioned himself once morest “too sweet which makes each person absorb 35 kg of sugar per year” and the “54 billion treatments” which result from it, the “glyphosate present in the urine of 99% of the French”, etc

A diet plan

The candidate summarized the points of his “food plan” published on Monday: price freeze on five essential food products, immediate ban on glyphosate, agricultural planning to recruit better paid farmers, trained in organic farming and who will notably feed all the canteens of France, all within a “Ministry of Food Production” and no longer “of Agriculture”.

L’Insoumis also mentioned animal suffering: “the brutalization of human beings leads to that of nature” and vice versa, so we must “liberate ourselves from a vision of the universe and of nature that chains us to brutalization “. A little earlier in the day the anti-speciesist Aymeric Caron had declared joining his campaign.



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