Presidential: smic at 1500 euros net, tripling of the ISF … Fabien Roussel reveals his program

Minimum wage at 1,500 euros net, 500,000 more jobs in public services, student income from 850 euros, nationalization of EDF, tripling of the ISF… The communist candidate for the 2022 presidential election, Fabien Roussel, presented this Monday his 180 proposals for “France of happy days”. “There are fed up with a France which promises austerity, savings”, launched during a press conference at the headquarters of the Communist Party in Paris, Fabien Roussel, who wants him “to give hope to those who no longer believe in it”.

In his 124-page program book “France on happy days”, in homage to that of the National Council of Resistance, the communist candidate presents his “society project” in favor of “employment and purchasing power , a social and secular Republic, and for peace in Europe and in the world”.

Work and wages: minimum wage at 1,500 euros and creation of 500,000 jobs in public services

Work and wages are at the top of the list of the communist candidate’s program. Fabien Roussel wants the minimum wage to rise to 1500 euros net, “a conference” so that the minimum wage is applied “in the 40 branches” or even “a minimum pension for retirees at 1200 euros”. The presidential candidate wants to “eradicate unemployment” by “guaranteeing everyone a job or training with a decent salary”, “starting immediately with young people”.

He wants to create 500,000 jobs in public services, “guarantee a student income from 850 euros (…) up to 1000 euros depending on (his) situation” and “make equal pay effective”.

Economy: tripling of the ISF and nationalization of private insurance companies and large banks

Fabien Roussel called for “regaining power over finance” and “over money”, which “flows freely for some”. He wants to triple the solidarity tax on wealth (ISF), tax the profits of multinationals that make a profit “of more than 500,000 euros” and nationalize private insurance companies and large banks. The PCF candidate also wants to block relocations.

Health: fight once morest medical deserts and construction of hospitals

Fabien Roussel intends to “fight once morest medical deserts” by “directing the installation of doctors in rural areas and in dense urban areas where today there are medical deserts”. The communist candidate also wants to create 100,000 jobs in the public hospital, build a local public hospital less than 30 minutes from each living area, lift patents for Covid-19 vaccines or even create a public service for the greater age, by recruiting 100,000 caregivers.

Ecology: 140 billion euros for the climate and energy mix

On the ecological transition, the communist candidate once more repeated his desire to propose “an energy mix”, defending nuclear power alongside renewable energies, while asking for the “nationalization of EDF and Engie”. He declined “an ambitious pact” of “140 billion euros for the climate, or 6% of GDP” with in particular “a conversion bonus for a clean vehicle of 10,000 euros” and free public transport.

Fabien Roussel also wants to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, regulate publications “pushing consumption” or even invest in cycle paths and soft mobility. He also wants to renovate “500,000 thermal colanders per year”.

International: exit from NATO

The communist candidate made several announcements on the international side. Fabien Roussel demands France’s exit from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He also wants the “rewriting” of new economic treaties within the European Union, and the development of “a collective security treaty (…) with all the countries of Europe, including Russia “.



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