Case of a baby found in a Puebla prison “was due to social decomposition,” says AMLO

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador assured that the case of corpse of a baby that appeared in a Puebla prison is rotten fruit of the “social breakdown” who left the neoliberal politics.

The head of the federal Executive pointed out that neoliberalism leads to a deep economic, social and moral crisis, where “the only way to deal with this crisis is with a transformation, as is being done.”

Last Saturday, the attorney general of Puebla, Gilberto Higuera Bernal, stated that the body of the baby Thaddeus who appeared in a state jail Puebla was stolen from a pantheon of Mexico City.

After the discovery of the three-month-old baby, on January 10, in the garbage of the Puebla Penitentiary Center, the State Attorney General’s Office contacted the parents who denounced the illegal exhumation of their son’s body in the Mexican capital.

The prosecutor also warned that “the person who deposited the body of the minor in the garbage container of the Penitentiary Center has already been identified.”

The case has shaken Mexico since last week, when the civil association reinsert denounced the finding of the minor in the prison.

As explained by the NGO, an inmate who worked in the containers for recyclable plastic material, known as PET, found the baby’s body covered with lime and inside a bag.

The fact has also raised controversy because the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) refused to investigate the case, while the governor of Puebla, the morenista Miguel Barbosa, warned journalists and activists to “be careful” when digging into the story.

The Puebla prosecutor has not yet clarified what the motivations behind the crime were, although he delved into the fact that the autopsy showed that the minor “kept all his organs in place and that he had a 7-centimeter surgical wound with his original stitches.”

With information from López-Dóriga Digital



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