Drunk loudly! funk neighbor Draw a gun and shoot the Chief Inspector. Killed with friends, 2 dead

Drunk loudly! funk neighbor Draw a gun and shoot the Chief Inspector. Killed with friends, 2 dead

at regarding 1:30 a.m. On January 23, 2022, Lt. Col. Ekamon See, Sergeant of the Khu Khot Police Station was informed that there was an incident with firearms. And 2 people were shot dead in Soi 14, in front of the house number 53/73, inside Pruksa 92 Village, Lat Sawai Subdistrict, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province. therefore went to check with Pol. Col. Manaswet Thongim, Superintendent of Khu Khot Police Station, Pol. Lt. Col. Prasit Somboonjit, Deputy Superintendent, Pol. Col. Col. Samphan, Tim Charoen, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Police officers, patrol officers, investigative officers, Khu Khot Police Station, , Forensic Officers District 1, Ver forensic Medicine Bhumibol Hospital, Volunteer staff of the Po Tek Tung Foundation

At the scene, two people were found dead, known as Mr. Worapong or Mod Phinthawat, 46 years old, residing at 35/99, Pruksa 92 Village. lying on his back drowning in blood There was a gunshot wound of unknown size in the middle of the head, left ear, hanging right, total 3 shots, and Mr. Thanin (or Tam) Chlingsu, 49 years old, is an inspector of the Bueng Yitho sub-district kamnan. Address: 35/37, Pruksa Village, 92, Village No. 9, Soi 14, Lat Sawai Subdistrict, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province, had a gunshot wound of unknown size, 2 chest wounds, 1 left hanging wound, 3 total wounds.

and from the investigation of the scene of the accident police officer 5 casings of a 380 firearm were found scattered on the road floor and another 1 bullet head. The officers therefore separated the area at the scene of the accident to wait for relevant officials to examine the details. which a number of police officers have surrounded to check Inside house number 35/78, in the same village which is the house of the attacker, known as Mr Art, 31, hid in the house. along with the firearms used in the crime before invading and being able to control himself along with the medium (Firearm caliber .380 and firearm caliber 9 mm.) brought to investigate at the Khu Khot Police Station.

From the investigation, Ms Phichayada Sonsri, 38, wife of the deceased Thanin Chalingsu, said that before the incident, her husband and Mr. Worapong had been drinking at home since the followingnoon and were regarding to walk their separate ways. go home whereby his husband will ride a motorcycle to deliver and as if Mr. Worapong Having had problems with the opposite house before, Mr. Worapong shouted, “I’ve never had a problem with anyone. If you have anything, come out and talk to me.” After a while, as their husband and Mr. Worapong would return, the perpetrators ran out of the house and shot their husbands and Mr. Worapong in the middle of the road. Villagers go out to help the two who were shot. was shot by the perpetrators with a gun Ready to threaten anyone who wants to die. Which today they sit and eat, there is nothing. But there had been a disagreement before. but which was a long time ago

From the inquiry, Ms. Nongnuch Boon-un, 39 years old, wife of Mr. Worapong (deceased) said that before the accident self pulling the deceased because I don’t want to have an affair but was shot to life in front of his eyes. I don’t know when or what happened. The witnesses at the scene (Not asking to be named) said A group of the deceased went on the hunt. the first perpetrator using words shouting at each other After that, the perpetrator He immediately took out the firearm and fired at him. As a result, 2 people died immediately.

Pol Col Manaswet Thongim, Superintendent of Khu Khot Police Station, said that initially from asking the neighbors that The perpetrator was Mr. Art, found that the two deceased and the perpetrators are neighbors And live in the same alley. Today, both the deceased and the perpetrators sat drinking at the front of the house Later, Mr. Thanin had walked to send Mr. Worapong back home following drinking alcohol and Mr. Worapong who died had shaved off that “I’ve never had an affair with anyone,” causing the perpetrators to dissatisfaction. So he took the firearm out of the house. and come to shoot. Mr. Worapong and Mr. Thanin causing both of them to die immediately at the scene. Then Mr. Art The perpetrator surrendered along with the medium (Firearm caliber .380 and firearm caliber 9 mm) to the police at Khu Khot Police Station, where the accused confessed. As the shooter, Mr. Worapong and Mr. Thanin were actually taken to the police station. As for the cause, the authorities are investigating.



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