Al-Marsad newspaper: Family counselor Fawzia Al-Waqit said that the divorce statistics indicate concern, which showed that every ten marriages there are 3 divorce cases, with approximately 7 divorce cases per hour.
Fawzia Al-Waqit revealed during her meeting on the Al-Ekhbariya program, the reason for the increase in divorce cases, noting that changing life circumstances and societal and intellectual changes are one of the reasons.
Reasons for the high divorce rates
She emphasized that among the main reasons for divorce, early marriage at the age of 20 and less, without awareness and without purpose, in addition to the absence of future planning for marriage and how the future of the family will be.
She pointed out that at the age of marriage at twenty or less, a person is unconscious and unaware and is still in the process of physical development, and even in terms of pregnancy and childbirth, there will be risks.
She added: “Some may say it was in old marriages, but we say that structure and nutrition have a role in the composition of bodies and the structure of any person has become ineligible for early marriage.
She mentioned that one of the reasons for divorce is also that there is a clash between the spouses for several reasons, including the lack of awareness, the difference in thought, environment and knowledge, the age discrepancy between the spouses, and the interference of the families of both parties.
The ideal length of engagement
She also stated that the courtship period should not exceed 3 months, because the goal is to get to know each other until reaching common ideas.
Video | . family counseling #day_newsThe engagement period is supposed to not exceed 3 months#news
– News channel (@alekhbariyatv) January 22, 2022