Pan Mengan scolded the assistant and threw off the stage Zhong Jiabin and Zhuang Ruixiong responded | Politics | New Head Shell Newtalk

Pan Mengan scolded Zhuang Ruixiong and Zhong Jiabin’s assistants, causing dissatisfaction between the two camps. Photo: Chen Peijun / photo (file photo)

The Democratic Progressive Party’s Pingtung County Mayor’s primary election was fierce. Party legislators Zhou Chunmi, Zhuang Ruixiong, and Zhong Jiabin all expressed their willingness to run for election. Pingtung County Mayor Pan Mengan attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of “Improving Road Quality Construction Design” today (21st). In public, “I don’t even have any effort, I just came here to take pictures, no need!” The assistants who blocked Zhuang and Zhong took a photo together, which attracted attention. In this regard, Zhong Jiabin said that following seeing the news, his efforts were deliberately ignored, and he felt deeply injustice; Zhuang Ruixiong said that the forward-looking construction is the result of the joint efforts of the President, the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan, and cannot be the contribution of a single legislator. .

“Improving Road Quality Construction Design” held a ribbon-cutting ceremony today. In addition to Zhou Chunmi himself, Zhuang Ruixiong and Zhong Jiabin all sent assistants to attend. However, when the guests were preparing to take a group photo, Pan Mengan suddenly said, “I didn’t even contribute, I just came here. If you want to take pictures, don’t worry!” As soon as the video came out, it sparked discussions from all walks of life.

In response to this, Zhong Jiabin responded that following learning regarding it indirectly, he mightn’t help but ask the county magistrate Pan’s definition of “credit”? He said that when the Cai government promoted the forward-looking plan, all local governments proposed plans that were beneficial to the county government and sent them to the Executive Yuan for review. Therefore, when important constructions were completed, the local governments naturally contributed. In hindsight, when a Kuomintang legislator was transferred to the head of a local government, it was also common for him to take forward-looking construction as his political achievements, and to take credit to the villagers. It can be seen that the Xiaoying government’s introduction of forward-looking infrastructure design has substantial benefits.

However, Zhong Jiabin pointed out that when the prospective construction budget was reviewed by the Legislative Yuan, the Kuomintang’s strong boycott action was vividly seen, with a lot of props such as flour and water polo, and “all” DPP legislators bore the brunt of the efforts to defend the local government. For many of the proposed budgets, “there is no credit or hard work.”

Zhong Jiabin said that it was hard to let go following learning regarding Pan County Mayor’s speech in the morning. At the same time, he also received calls from many villagers saying that following seeing the news, his efforts were deliberately ignored, and he felt deeply injustice.

Zhuang Ruixiong said that the source of funding for the “construction plan to improve road quality” came from the forward-looking plan. When reviewing the budget at that time, in order to defend this funding, he also staged a hand-to-hand battle with the Kuomintang to ensure that the then President of the Executive, Lin Quanneng, smoothly came to power and reported the budget. case.

Zhuang Ruixiong mentioned that the budget of Qianzhan Construction has always been boycotted by the Kuomintang, so the President and the current Executive President Su Zhenchang attach great importance to it. , “Foresight construction is the result of the joint efforts of the President, the Executive Yuan, the Legislative Yuan… It cannot be the contribution of a single legislator.”

Zhuang Ruixiong said that as a legislator, he only cares regarding whether he has actually helped the villagers to win the construction. Whether he has come to power and cut the ribbon is not the most important thing. It should be a happy thing that local construction is successful, and if he is appointed by the poll of the successor If he is really ahead, the county magistrate Pan should not have to lose such a big temper. “If he becomes the county magistrate in the future, the local activities will definitely be widely invited, regardless of party affiliation, so that everyone can participate together.”

The Democratic Progressive Party’s Pingtung County Mayor’s primary election is fierce, and party legislators Zhou Chunmi, Zhuang Ruixiong, and Zhong Jiabin all expressed their views on running for the election

Pingtung county magistrate Pan Mengan attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of “Improving Road Quality Construction Design” today (21st), and said in public, “I don’t even have any effort, I just came here to take pictures, no need!” The assistants of Zhuang Zhuang and Zhong took a group photo together. , attracting attention

Zhong Jiabin said that following seeing the news, his efforts were deliberately ignored, and he felt deeply injustice; Zhuang Ruixiong said that the forward-looking construction is the result of the joint efforts of the President, the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan, and cannot be the contribution of a single legislator.



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