Ice Hockey – Discontinued for an eye-catching Ge/Servette


Invincible for five matches, the Eagles stumbled Friday night in Rapperswil (2-1 pens) despite a good performance.

Chris Geiger


Very close match Friday evening between GE Seervette of Marco Miranda (in front) and Rapperswil of Rajan Sataric.


Ge/Servette ended up falling. After five successes in a row, the Eagles lost Friday evening to Rapperswil (2-1 on pens), only their second defeat in their last twelve National League outings.

Extraordinary, this sequence was therefore slowed down on the St. Gallen ice, despite a remarkable state of mind in the garnet ranks. Unlike Wednesday’s match once morest Freiburg, Jan Cadieux’s men had an impressive start to the game, literally suffocating the Lakers, who were in great shape (now eight successes in their last ten league games).

The statistics have confirmed the visual impression. After the first ten minutes, Melvin Nyffeler – the brother of the last garnet bulwark Dominic – had already made ten saves, several of them classy. But he might not do anything regarding the opener of the score – logical – by Jooris in the quarter of an hour of play, following a shot from the inevitable Tömmernes.

Too undisciplined Genevans

Despite an almost total control of the game, Ge / Servette joined the locker room back to back, paying a high price for his indiscipline. Djuse took advantage of the third minor penalty imposed on the Garnet – in this case Pouliot, authorized to play on Friday – to equalize following only five seconds of numerical advantage

A parity which had the gift of balancing the debates – of good quality – between two teams in full confidence. Intensity, speed, chances galore: in the end, he only missed the goals. The reason? The solid performances of the Nyffeler brothers in front of their respective nets and the lack of success of the attackers (three posts to one for Rapperswil). The decision finally fell during the penalty shootout, the Saint-Gallois being devilishly effective in the exercise (Cervenka, Rowe and Mitchell scorers).

Despite the defeat, Ge / Servette leaves Rapperswil had a point and certainties. Those of a team that also knows how to hurt itself on the ice. A mentality to keep on Saturday for the reception in Biel (7:45 p.m.).

St. Galler Kantonalbank Arena, 3721 spectators.

Referees: MM. Stricker, Hürlimann; Stalder, Huguet.

Buts: 15th Jooris (Tömmernes, Winnik) 0-1, 17th Djuse (Wick / 5c4) 1-1.

Shoot to the net: Vermin -, Cervenka 1-0, Filppula -, Rowe 2-0, Tömmernes 2-1, Eggenberger -, Moy 2-2, Mitchell 3-2, Pouliot -.

Rapperswil: M.Nyffeler; Vouardoux, Djuse; Jelovac, Profico; Aebischer, Maier; sataric Lammer, Cajka, Cervenka; Lehmann, Rowe, Eggenberger; Wick, Thinner, Neukom; Zangger, Mitchell, Bruschweiler. Entraineur: Stefan Hedlund.

Ge/Towel: D.Nyffeler; Karrer, Tömmernes; Vatanen, Maurer; Völlmin, LeCoultre; Jacquemet; Miranda, Filppula, Winnik; Jooris, Richard, Vermin; Moy, Pouliot, Smirnovs; Antonietti, Berthon, Vouillamoz; Riat. Trainer: Jan Cadieux.

Penalties: 2×2′ + 1×5′ (Djuse) once morest Rapperswil; 4×2′ + 1×5′ + 1×20′ (Winnik) once morest Ge/Servette.

Notes: Rapperswil without Albrecht, Wetter, Baragano, Forrer (injured), nor Ramsauer (supernumerary). Ge/Servette without Tanner, Descloux, Charlin, Rod (injured), Chanton, Mercier, Shiyanov, Patry, or Smons (supernumeraries).



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