Arab summit scheduled for Algeria postponed

Cn January 20, the Deputy Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Hossam Zaki, traveled to Algeria to inspect the progress of preparations for the Summit.

As quoted by APS, Mr. Zaki explained “that the date had not yet been fixed and that it was subject to consultations between Algeria and the SG of the Arab League to choose a date suitable for all parties and to guarantee a wide participation of Arab leaders, in particular in the health situation dictated by the Covid-19 pandemic which requires preventive measures “.

The date of the Summit will be announced on March 9 at the General Secretariat in Cairo, within the framework of the meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers.

Despite this new postponement, the head of the Arab League delegation indicated that the members of the delegation “are very satisfied with the means mobilized by Algeria for the success of the next Arab summit, highly appreciated by the commission in charge of the organization”.



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