The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has clarified that this year’s eight key tasks will promote the structural reform of the housing supply side – Teller Report

  The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has identified eight key tasks this year to promote the structural reform of the housing supply side

  Continue to prudently implement the long-term mechanism for real estate, and resolutely and effectively deal with the overdue delivery risk of real estate projects of individual leading real estate enterprises

On January 20, the National Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference was held in Beijing by video. On the basis of summarizing the work in 2021, this meeting will study and deploy the work in 2022, with special emphasis on the eight aspects of work.

The meeting believed that in 2021, the national housing and urban-rural construction system will give full play to the important pivotal role of housing and urban-rural construction in expanding domestic demand, transforming the mode and adjusting the structure, and promoting the development of housing and urban-rural construction to achieve new progress and achievements, and realize the “fourteenth”. Five” is off to a good start.

In terms of promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, the long-term real estate mechanism will be steadily implemented, the regulatory responsibility mechanism of ministries, provinces and cities will be established, and policy coordination and linkage will be strengthened. Resolutely and effectively deal with the overdue delivery risk of real estate projects of individual real estate enterprises. Standardize the development of the housing rental market. Rectify the order of the real estate market. With the joint efforts of all parties, the real estate market has been running smoothly on the whole.

In solidly promoting the construction of affordable housing, the development of affordable rental housing was accelerated, and 942,000 affordable rental housing units were newly raised in 40 cities across the country. The development of public rental housing was standardized, and 88,000 public rental housing units were newly started. Steady progress has been made in the reconstruction of shanty towns, and 1.65 million units of various shanty towns have been reconstructed. The renovation of old urban communities has been comprehensively promoted, and 55,600 old urban communities have been newly renovated nationwide, benefiting 9.65 million households. Guide flexible employment personnel to participate in the housing provident fund system, and complete the “cross-province universal handling” of 5 high-frequency service items such as the withdrawal of house purchases in different places.

The meeting emphasized that in 2022, efforts should be made to “increase confidence, prevent risks, stabilize growth, promote reform, and strengthen the team”. One is to increase confidence. We must deeply realize that the various advantages and conditions of my country’s development have not changed, and the times and trends are on our side. This is where our determination and confidence lie, as well as where our determination and confidence lie. The second is risk prevention. Putting risk prevention in a more prominent position, preventing and defusing risks in the fields of housing and urban and rural construction, and resolutely guarding the bottom line of no systemic risks. The third is steady growth. Fully release the potential of residential housing demand and investment demand for new urban infrastructure construction, simultaneously promote domestic demand expansion, transformation of methods, and structural adjustment, and promote the steady improvement in quality and rational growth of the economy. The fourth is to promote reform. Better stimulate the vitality of enterprises, better adapt to and meet changes in demand, promote the structural reform of the housing supply side, and accelerate the formation of urban development and construction systems, mechanisms and policy systems that are compatible with high-quality development. Fifth is a strong team.

In addition, the meeting requested that in 2022, we should focus on eight aspects of work: First, strengthen the regulation of the real estate market. Unswervingly adhere to the positioning of “houses are for living, not for speculation”, do not use real estate as a tool and means to stimulate the economy in the short term, maintain the continuity and stability of regulatory policies, enhance the coordination and accuracy of regulatory policies, and continue to be prudent Implement a long-term mechanism for real estate, resolutely and effectively deal with the overdue delivery risk of real estate projects of individual leading real estate companies, and continue to rectify and standardize the order of the real estate market. The second is to promote the structural reform of the housing supply side. Adhere to the simultaneous development of rental and purchase, multi-subject supply, multi-channel guarantee, and optimize the housing supply structure. Vigorously increase the supply of affordable rental housing, focusing on large cities with a net population inflow, and build and raise 2.4 million sets (rooms) of affordable rental housing throughout the year. Improve the urban housing security system, and guide all localities to rationally determine the housing security system arrangements in their regions. Speed ​​up the development of the long-term rental market. Improve the housing provident fund payment, deposit, use, management and operation mechanism. The third is to implement urban renewal actions. The fourth is to implement rural construction actions. The fifth is to implement the goal of carbon neutralization. The sixth is to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. The seventh is to promote reform and innovation and the construction of the rule of law. Eighth, strengthen party building.

Yan Yuejin, director of the think tank research center of E-House Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from Securities Daily that the convening of the National Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference will have a positive effect on clarifying the national housing work in 2022. On the one hand, in terms of the requirements for policy effects, in addition to mentioning the “continuity” and “stability” of the policy, it also mentions “coordination” and “precision”. This at least shows that a better combination of follow-up policies should be formed. On the other hand, this meeting once once more emphasized the construction of affordable rental housing, especially clarifying the quantitative indicators for building and raising affordable rental housing throughout the year. From this, it can be expected that 2022 will continue to be a year of intensified supply. (Du Yumeng)

责编:张慕琛 ]



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