FTQ and CSQ worried about the board of Retraite Québec

Central unions are concerned regarding the loss of worker representation on the board of directors of Retraite Québec. They fear that the appointment of independent directors to replace them poses a problem of credibility and is subject to partisanship.

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It all stems from Finance Minister Eric Girard’s Bill 4, which strengthens the governance of government corporations. It aims in particular to increase from 23 to 46 the number of companies that will be covered by these rules relating to transparency, the composition of boards of directors, remuneration, the requirement of gender parity, for example.

However, the number of worker representatives on the board of directors of Retraite Québec will decrease in favor of independent directors, deplore the FTQ and the CSQ.

The two centrals point out that Retraite Québec’s mandate is to manage the Quebec Pension Plan and administer the government employees’ pension plan called RREGOP — subjects that are of direct interest to workers.

Like the Liberal post-its?

The FTQ and the CSQ are wondering regarding the future independent members who will be appointed by the government.

Video: Ontario deconfines, Quebec waits (Le Devoir)

Ontario deconfines, Quebec waits

  • What are the symptoms of COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant?
    What are the symptoms of COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant?
    The most common symptoms are therefore: sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, headache, generalized muscle pain and severe fatigue. These first symptoms, if they remain mild, can be difficult to differentiate from a simple cold, admit the specialists. During the first waves of COVID-19, up to 48% of patients reported loss of smell and taste. For Omicron, this proportion would be less. Much more contagious, the new Omicron variant infects even fully vaccinated people, a major difference from Delta. Patients therefore often face it with a form of immunity, which “certainly influences” the symptoms, notes virologist Benoit Barbeau. The incubation period, or the time between exposure to the virus and the appearance of the first symptoms, might be as little as three days, according to some studies. There is not yet conclusive data indicating whether the Omicron variant is more or less likely to cause long-lasting COVID in people with the disease. If symptoms are present, the first thing to do is self-isolate and get tested, preferably a rapid home test. “Even if your rapid test is negative, but you experience these symptoms, isolate yourself,” recommends virologist Benoit Barbeau.

    Logo of Le Devoir: Le Devoir smallFavicon
    The duty

  • Overview of the new isolation and screening guidelines
    Overview of the new isolation and screening guidelines

    Logo of Le Devoir: Le Devoir smallFavicon
    The duty

  • Overview of the new isolation and screening guidelines
    Overview of the new isolation and screening guidelines
    The isolation period for people who have tested positive for COVID-19 is reduced from ten days to five days. In the event of prolonged symptoms, the original isolation period of ten days must be respected. Household contacts of an individual who tested positive must undergo the same period of quarantine. So-called “moderate” contacts (more than 15 minutes without a mask) only have to monitor their symptoms for ten days. Returning to work post-isolation must be done with a mask at all times. The isolation period for infected healthcare workers remains the same: seven days. As for early childhood workers, Public Health apologizes for the “imbroglio” of the last few days and assures that an official announcement will follow. Symptomatic people from the general population will no longer be able to be tested by PCR in a screening centre. They will have to turn to a rapid test. If it is impossible to turn to a rapid test, a symptomatic person must assume their infection and isolate themselves. Quebec says it is working on setting up a self-reporting website for cases. The PCR tests will go to people from the health sector, caregivers, people living in remote regions and in Aboriginal communities, homeless people and incarcerated people.

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    The duty



“The proposal made that they be appointed without consultation by the Government of Quebec raises considerable problems of legitimacy and credibility”, protests the CSQ in its opinion on the bill.

“We are getting dangerously close to the” post-it “identifying the political allegiance of candidates for the post of judge, under the Liberal reign”, launched the secretary general of the FTQ, Denis Bolduc.

The FTQ fears that the bill “will contribute to withdrawing from the participants of pension plans, active or retired, the control of the decisions which concern them to the benefit of experts and members of the pension fund industry or of persons who have interests that conflict with the organization’s mission,” the central wrote in its brief.

Minister Girard, for his part, pointed out that his bill aimed to improve the governance of government corporations, strengthen transparency and implement the best management practices.

He also wants to increase the presence of women and young people on these boards of directors — which was applauded by the stakeholders during the specific consultations on his bill.

Other aspects of his bill have also been welcomed by many, such as the distinction between the positions of CEO and chairman of the board of directors, as well as the desire to demonstrate greater transparency.

Lia Lévesque, The Canadian Press



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