Jean Castex keeps the pressure on the unvaccinated

During a press conference this Thursday, January 20, at 7 p.m., Prime Minister Jean Castex announced what Gabriel Attal called, a few hours earlier in the day, the ” timeline for the gradual easing of health restrictions. “Falsely magnanimous, the government stays the course: “ Clearly impose the constraint on the non-vaccinated. During this time, the Constitutional Council is working on the introduction of the vaccination pass, and will give its answer tomorrow.

Let’s not go too fast!

Before getting to the heart of the matter, the Prime Minister did his best to convince for fifteen minutes: “ We made the right decisions. To do this, he chained scientific claims that were difficult to verify, recalling here and there ” the extreme danger of the Omicron variant. He got his brushes mixed up: Omicron is more dangerous, but less severe ».

Lighten the measures in force in two steps: get up!

Here are the planned changes:

February 2:
All sports and cultural equipment will return to full capacity, without gauge;
Wearing a mask will remain compulsory;
Telework will no longer be mandatory, but will remain recommended;
End of wearing the mask outdoors.

February 16:
Consumption in stadiums, cinemas and transport will once more be authorized;
Standing concerts may resume;
Consumption in standing bars too;
Nightclubs will reopen.

Back from February holidays:
The reduction of the school protocol will be considered, following consultation with the health authorities.

Despite everything, the objective carried by the Head of State remains: Clearly impose the constraint on the non-vaccinated. This is why the government continues to encourage vaccination: those who will take their first dose by February 15 will be able to benefit from a valid vaccination pass if they commit to taking the second dose a month later. and test yourself. In addition, it is necessary to “progress the vaccination of children from 5 to 11 years old”, according to Jean Castex.

Later, he recalls that the graduated and progressive approach calls on everyone to strictly respect the rules of the game. » An amusing lexicon.

“The pass might be suspended if the epidemic pressure allows it”

Of course, if all these reductions are envisaged, it is ” because we will have the vaccination pass “. Not yet validated by the Constitutional Council, the tool is already sold as the best.

The easing of the measures will therefore only concern the vaccinated, since the non-vaccinated will no longer be able to go to the places concerned. Fortunately, Gérard Larcher assured us yesterday that he wanted control » the vaccination pass, and that the Senate has today set up a commission of inquiry to go in this direction. On this subject, Bruno Retailleau assures that he does not want ” that this instrument lasts ».

Wanting to be reassuring, the Prime Minister assures on this subject that “ the pass might be suspended, if the epidemic pressure allowed it. “And to add:” While keeping us ready to reactivate it. »

Read also: Against the clock, Gérard Larcher claims to want to “control” the application of the vaccine pass

In short, this reduction, however expected by the French, will not overshadow the countries which are currently betting on the “ return to normal life “. As Senator Loïc Hervé reminds us, in the United Kingdom, Denmark or Spain, the measures have been gradually abandoned since the beginning of January.

With the presidential election approaching, there is no doubt that maintaining or lifting the vaccination pass will be a strong argument in the debates. It will therefore be necessary to keep an eye on the epidemic data, as provided for by the Senate inquiry committee, as well as on the evolution of decisions in our neighboring countries.



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