How to know if we are stressed

Dr. Cormillot – How to know you are stressed? – #Report

How are you doing with your energies? Have you felt tired at any time in the last few months? Your answer will most likely be “yes”.

I tell him what the issue with tiredness is. When a person is tired, in most cases they say “I have a lot of stress” or “I slept little” or blame it on some trivial thing. But it turns out that the first thing to do with a person who feels tired is to rule out if they don’t have any health problems.

A person may be tired, for example, because they lack red blood cells or because they have little iron. In the case of a woman, there are many possibilities of hypothyroidism. There is diabetes as a cause of fatigue, there are infections.

The first thing to rule out when a person is tired is whether there is a clinical cause for that tiredness. The importance of rest can never be underestimated it is enormously important. If you are smoking you may be tired, if not you are eating well. There are things that have to do with behavior. And finally one can say if it is due to stress, this is due to a psychological state, it is due to worries. One has more time to deal with that from what is the reengineering of time, talk with friends, consult with your doctor, someone who belongs to a group or go to psychology.

Ehe worst problem is when a person is tired and minimizes the issue. He says “no, this must be due to stress”. It might be stress, but it might be something else. In the event that it is stress, there is a thought that I once read that I like a lot that said “Most of the things that drag you down are things you shouldn’t carry.” And sometimes stress is caused by that, by things that one should not carry.

Can stress be controlled? doIt is triggered by things that happen from outside or how I interpret things that happen from outside? For most researchers, stress is 10% of what happens and the other 90% how I take what happens. Among the photos that I have as very dear memories is one that must be forty years old or more: it is a photo with the doctor Hans Seyle, who was the person who described the phenomenon of stress.

“Most of the things that drag you down are things you shouldn’t carry.” And sometimes stress is caused by that, by things that one should not carry

Therefore, it is convenient to define, albeit briefly, what stress is. Stress is the reaction that any stimulus causes us. Is named eusterized when that stimulus causes something that gives us pleasure, something like going to dance, being with our partner, watching a show that attracts us, listening to music or doing something that gives us satisfaction. That’s the stress. Then there is the bad stress, the distrés, when there is a very strong situation, which produces negative feelings once morest, or a situation that is not very negative but remains over time.

It’s regarding the reaction that our mind has, that our body has, in the face of any stimulus. The stimulus can be good, or a harmful stimulus. Good stress is something that gives us pleasure, that produces the release of good substances in the brain, throughout the body, and harmful stress is when something happens, a loss, a conflict, losing a job, which may be causing this moment some critical situation caused by the pandemic or by quarantine.

When negative stress appears, which is distress, the body secretes cortisol, a hormone that is good for a short time. But over time, if cortisol production is stretched, it is very harmful to the body, because it causes, among other things, premature aging. Many times what happens is that it has a phenomenal dimension. And other times it doesn’t.

What causes any of these situations are changes and it is good stress that releases good substances within the body, which can be endorphins, dopamines, things that make you feel good.

That dimension has a lot to do with what I tell myself regarding what happens. Because there are people who are good at pouring water when a fire breaks out and there are people who are good at pouring gasoline when a fire breaks out, and the demands that I make on myself with respect to people, for example, or with respect to others, have a lot to do with it. If I want to satisfy everyone, it is one thing that will generate stress for me.

How are you doing with your energies?  Have you felt tired at any time in the last few months?  Your answer will most likely be
How are you doing with your energies? Have you felt tired at any time in the last few months? Your answer will most likely be “yes”

In general terms, The groups most vulnerable to stress in times of pandemic are:

Older people and people with chronic diseases, because they are at increased risk of severe infection if they contract COVID-19.

children and adolescents that their usual tasks are interrupted and many times they do not have the tools to face the changes.

The people who are helping to alleviate the emergency situation: Physicians and other health care providers, or emergency responders.

People who have pre-existing mental disorders. In these cases, it is essential to continue the previous treatment virtually or by telephone and to be alert to new symptoms that appear or to their worsening.

People with alcohol or substance use problems.

*Dr. Alberto Cormillot is a renowned Argentine physician specializing in obesity, health educator, writer and lecturer. He founded and directs the Nutrition and Health Clinic that bears his name, Diet Club, the ALCO Foundation (Anonymous Fighters Against Obesity) and the Argentine Institute of Nutrition, from where he advises industries on the development of dietetic and healthy products.

Production: Alejandro Beltrame and Gaston Taylor. Edition: Facundo Madero. Producer: Macarena Sanchez




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