Vaccines do what they are supposed to do: protect us




“Vaccines, including vaccines against Covid-19, aim to prevent serious illness and mortality, and now we have evidence in children that vaccines against Covid-19 have done exactly what they should». That’s how explicit it is Elizabeth Mack, from
American Academy of Pediatrics
and principal investigator of the
Medical University of South Carolina (USA)
of a study published in
«The New England Journal onf Medicine»

(GERMAN) and showing that vaccination is not only effective in keeping children and adolescents out of the hospital, but is also effective in preventing them from becoming so seriously ill that they must remain in the intensive care unit (ICU) or receive life support , according to a report by the «
New England Journal of Medicine

None of the 13 adolescents who required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or the seven who died had received the vaccine.

The study compared 445 Covid-19 patients at 31 hospitals in 23 states with 777 patients who did not have Covid-19. All patients were between 12 and 18 years old.

“The vaccine was 98% effective against Covid disease requiring ICU care and 98% effective in the event that life support was required,” says Mack.

Of the 180 adolescents admitted to the ICU, only two had been vaccinated, according to the report. None of the 13 teenagers who need oxygenation by extracorporeal membrane or the seven who died had received the vaccine.

The two groups in this study, patients with Covid and patients without the disease, were similar in that 70% of each group attended school in person. Of the patients with Covid, 74% had at least one underlying condition, a figure that was 70% among patients without Covid, something very common in southern US states., laments the researcher.

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