Emmanuel Macron’s speech to the European Parliament, heckled and strongly criticized

Since January 1, 2022, France has taken over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, for a period of six months. Today, Emmanuel Macron traveled to Strasbourg to deliver his inauguration speech to MEPs. The least we can say is that he made a strong impression.

The French president booed upon his arrival

« Climate, climate, guilty Macron! cried environmental activists as Emmanuel Macron walked alongside Roberta Metsola, the new speaker of Parliament.

Yannick Jadot, EELV candidate, was offensive, awarding Emmanuel Macron the title of ” president of climate inaction ». « It is not enough to proclaim oneself pro-European to serve Europe “, he added once morest him. A few minutes later, the French president assured in his speech, that it was necessary ” move from intentions to action “. Just three months from the presidential election, it’s ambitious.

A noteworthy speech…

Emmanuel Macron had thirty minutes to present his vision of Europe to his audience. What he said in a nutshell:

« Democracy » : give the European Parliament the right to initiate legislation;
Weather : legislate once morest imported deforestation / apply a carbon tax at borders;
Use : reducing inequalities between women and men / guaranteeing a minimum wage / investing in digital technology;
Security : reforming the Schengen area / developing a “ rapid reaction force to protect the external borders / to create a new security order in Europe with NATO, to counter Russia;
International relationships : EU-Africa summit in February / show up “ closed with the UK.

« Our generations have to rebuild our Europe. We have to give ourselves the means to make Europe a power of the future, of balance. “, he ended by declaring.

…and criticized

The reviews went full steam ahead following the speech. Jordan Bardella, MEP and president of the National Rally, delivered a clear message that he shared on the networks: ” Mr Macron, your Europe has become Washington’s backyard, Beijing’s prey, Erdogan’s doormat and Africa’s hotel. From your mandate, only cynicism and contempt will remain: for France as for Europe, it is vital that it remains unique. »

For their part, the MEPs Manuel Bompard and Manon Aubry, both of La France insoumise, distinguished themselves with short and powerful speeches:

Not everyone stayed till the end

Some time later, when he was supposed to answer questions from MEPs at a press conference, Emmanuel Macron preferred to continue the statements, refusing questions. The reaction of the journalists present on the spot was not long in coming: they left the room.

The French president intended to capitalize on this semester of presidency, with a view to his probable candidacy for re-election: this decried performance illustrates his positions and postures, and the strong criticism they arouse. Will he keep this horizon for the election, or will he descend into the French arena for his presidential campaign?

See also: Presidential: Macron defends the European rule of law, the opposition curbs it (AFP)



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