the management of endometriosis still needs to be improved

“It’s not a women’s problem, it’s a social problem”, said Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday January 11 to announce the launch of a action plan and measures for better prevention and management of endometriosis. Sandrine Corbery, representative of the EndoFrance association in Centre-Val de Loire, does not say anything else. “It’s a social issue that needs to be tackled head-on. Everything that is done to talk regarding endometriosis is to be welcomed”, she underlines at the microphone of France Bleu Berry this Wednesday.

10% of women suffer from endometriosis in France with “an impact in their daily life, in their couple, in their professional life” because of this “disease that can be truly debilitating”. The average to reach a diagnosis is 7 years. This is explained by a still insufficient number of knowledge within the medical community.. Even if there are points of improvement. “The more we advance, the more doctors are trained. Since 2020, endometriosis has been included in the second cycle course of medical studies. There was a fairly terrible medical wandering”, emphasizes Sandrine Corbery. In Berry, for example, women often have to be redirected to Paris, Tours or Clermont-Ferrand.

More and more midwives are trained in the detection of endometriosis and are very active in the care pathway



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