Conventional members will present a project to guarantee the right to live in environments free of violence | Special

Monday, January 17, 2022 | 22:05

A group of 16 conventional will present a project that will seek to guarantee in the new Constitution the right to live in safe and violence-free environments. It is a cross-cutting initiative led by Ruggero Cozzi (RN) and César Valenzuela (PS).

“Security is also a right”, is the name of a draft constitutional norm that will be presented this Tuesday by 16 conventions from different political parties.

The initiative aims to guarantee the right of all people to live in safe and violence-free environments.

As reported, the project consists of three fundamental axes:

1.- Recognizes the right to live in safe and violence-free environments.

2.- It establishes an express mandate for the State to equitably protect the exercise of this right, a provision that seeks to eliminate any arbitrariness in the provision of public protection services.

3.- The initiative considers a comprehensive view of security, ordering the State to develop in a coordinated manner and with respect to human rights, actions for the prevention, prosecution and punishment of crimes, as well as the social reintegration of those convicted.

The conventional of National Renewal, Ruggero Cozzi, announced that the purpose of the rule is to recognize in the new Constitution the right to citizen security.

“It is established that the State must provide equitable benefits to people in matters of inequality, and the primary duties of the State are established in terms of prosecuting crime, punishing criminals and social reintegration of those convicted,” he said.

For his part, the member of the Socialist Party, César Valenzuela, elaborated that the initiative will force “state agencies to coordinate, offering a comprehensive view of security, which ranges from crime prevention to the social reintegration of condemned”.

The project in question will be presented this Tuesday together with several mayors of communes of the Metropolitan region.




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