Emmanuel Macron praises the attractiveness of France, Eric Zemmour criticizes justice after his conviction… The political recap of the day

Le World keeps the synopsis of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update is published every evening at 7 p.m., which reviews the political events of the past day and discusses upcoming meetings.

  • Emmanuel Macron praises foreign investments and his industrial policy

Emmanuel Macron during a visit to the town of Chalampé (Haut-Rhin), on an industrial site of the German group BASF, Monday January 17, 2022.

Because of the health situation, Emmanuel Macron is not receiving foreign investors in Versailles this year for a Choose France summit, as has been the case since his arrival as head of state in 2017. Instead , the President of the Republic went to Chalampé, in the Haut-Rhin, to highlight the industrial attractiveness of France and to announce an investment of some 300 million euros by the German chemical group BASF in one of its factories.

At the same time, several ministers have been sent across the country to announce other projects, which represent more than 4 billion euros in total and should lead to the creation of “more than 10,000 jobs”, according to the Elysee. The public aid granted to obtain these investments is generally between 5% and 10% of the amount. These investment promises are “the result of a reindustrialization policy”, insisted the Minister of Industry, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, when the Elysée puts forward all the reforms (…) carried out since the beginning of the five-year period”, in tax matters in particular.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Reindustrialisation: Macron wants to celebrate “attractiveness in the territories”

Mr. Macron also hailed the birth, with robot manufacturer Exotec, of a 25e French unicorn (name given to start-ups not listed on the stock exchange and valued at more than 1 billion dollars, or approximately 840 million euros). He took the opportunity to fix “a new objective of ten tech giants by 2030 at European level”. A new announcement, following security and the university, whose scope exceeds the end of the mandate of the President of the Republic, who has not yet formalized his candidacy for the April election.

The quote: Eric Zemmour denounces his conviction by the courts for provoking racial hatred

Far-right candidate Eric Zemmour before a press conference outside the Foreign Press Association in Paris on January 17, 2022.

“An ideological and stupid condemnation”

Eric Zemmour was fined 10,000 euros for provoking racial hatred by the Paris Criminal Court on Monday January 17. In September 2020, on CNews, he described unaccompanied minor migrants as “thieves”, d’« assassins » and of “rapists”. The far-right candidate, who announced to appeal this decision, denounced on Twitter “an ideological and stupid condemnation”. “This system manufactures crime of opinion in an industrial way. It is urgent to chase ideology from the courts,” he wrote.

“It is an important decision because, behind this media project, there is a political project, a project of hatred which tends to stigmatize people because of their origin, their confession, their race”, reacted following the conviction Arié Alimi, lawyer for the League of Human Rights, who was one of the thirty associations and twenty county councils to be civil parties.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Eric Zemmour sentenced for the third time by the courts

The controversial words of Eric Zemmour have earned him, for ten years, fifteen lawsuits. Several times released, he was sentenced twice for incitement to hatred.

  • The campaign in the archives of “Le Monde”

Archive of the

Christiane Taubira is a candidate for the presidential election: the former Keeper of the Seals announced it, Saturday January 15, during a speech in Lyon. This was also the case in 2002: the member of Guyana then launched with the investiture of the Radical Left Party (PRG). Twenty years ago, to the day, she claimed, during her vows to the press, 420 sponsorships of insured elected officials to support her candidacy. “There were boorish attitudes, but the rebellion is over among the radical deputies. They ended up complying with the party’s decision., she assured then in front of the journalist of the World Beatrice Gurrey.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Christiane Taubira (PRG) wants to dedicate her campaign to the fight once morest inequalities

If the PRG still supports her today, the main platform that might benefit Christiane Taubira in the coming weeks is that of the Popular Primary and its claimed 250,000 registered as of January 17, 2022. Her candidacy, twenty years ago , had well collected the 500 sponsorships, before obtaining a score of 2.32% in the first round; his detractors had not failed to see in his campaign one of the reasons for the defeat, on the left, of Lionel Jospin, eliminated in the first round.

In 2002, Christiane Taubira still saw in the election “opportunity for renewal”, wrote Béatrice Gurrey. “It is not a question of retiring Mr. Chirac and Mr. Jospin, but all generations must be represented”, then commented the candidate, who was regarding to enter his fifty-first year. She will celebrate her 70th birthday on February 2, 2022.

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  • Today’s analysis: how are Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour perceived three months before the presidential election?

A candidate perceived as more moderate but less and less credible to become President of the Republic. This is what emerges from the study by the Kantar Public Institute, unveiled Monday, January 17 by The world and Franceinfo, where more than 1,000 people were interviewed face-to-face and in their homes.

According to this survey, the view of the French on Marine Le Pen (National Rally, RN) has changed in an unprecedented way: only 40% see her as the representative of a “nationalist and xenophobic extreme right”, i.e. 11 points less than in 2018. At the same time, 46% see her as the representative of a “patriotic right attached to traditional values” (+ 8 points).

Emmanuel Riviere: “Compared to Eric Zemmour, Marine Le Pen finds more credit with women and workers”

Conversely, a majority of French respondents (64%) consider Eric Zemmour as the representative of a nationalist and xenophobic extreme right. For Emmanuel Rivière, international director of political studies at Kantar Public, “Eric Zemmour’s candidacy and positions contribute to making Marine Le Pen appear less extremist”, he explains in a chat organized with the readers of the World.

Tomorrow’s program

Europe. On the eve of Emmanuel Macron’s speech to the European Parliament on Wednesday, Marine Le Pen (RN) will hold a press conference on the French presidency of the Council of the European Union at the end of the morning, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La insubordinate France) will also hold one on its side, in Strasbourg, at the end of the day. The procedure for electing a new president of Parliament, a week following the death of David Sassoli, also begins on Tuesday and is due to continue until Thursday.

Great interviews. Open for several weeks already, the face-to-face season between candidates and editorial staff continues on Tuesday: Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains) is the guest of Jean-Jacques Bourdin for a whole evening on BFM-TV, Tuesday, to inaugurate a new format, “France in the eyes”. The set will be relocated to Uzerche (Corrèze) and around fifty inhabitants will be present to ask questions to the right-wing candidate. Anne Hidalgo (Socialist Party) will go, for her part, the same day, to the set of “A l’air libre”, the program of Mediapart broadcast at 7 p.m., to take stock of his campaign, less than three months from the first round.



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