In the video.. A health spokesperson gives good news about the epidemiological curve of Corona • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The official spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Muhammad Al-Abdali, gave good news regarding the epidemiological curve in the Kingdom.

Al-Abdali said, in the press conference to reveal the developments of Corona: “As we mentioned last week, we are observing a decrease in the pace of acceleration that was present in the curve.”

He pointed out: “We notice fluctuations in the curve, and this is something we rejoice in that we may be in a phase that will be followed by an improvement in the direction of the curve, and this rise will calm down and will reach the stages of decline.”

And he continued, “But we must remind ourselves that we have duties to continue the precautions to the required extent, and at the same time be aware and willing to receive the due vaccines according to each individual’s case.”



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